My review of 2011 - the mad, the obscure, the outrageous, the terrible...

by cedars 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    2011 is a special landmark year in my life, because it is the year when I finally said "enough is enough" and awakened from my increasingly passive role within the JW faith. Coincidentally, this was also the year in which the Governing Body "ramped up" its rhetoric to ever more dizzying heights of arrogance, hatred, and absurdity.

    Whether 2011 subsequently goes down in the history of the Watch Tower Society as being a true turning point in its downfall remains to be seen. However, as the year draws to a close, I feel it's worthwhile noting some of the more shocking and surreal things to come out of the Watch Tower's printing presses over the last 12 months.

    Here is my own personal top 10:

    Domestic abuse

    1 - "The night before, Steve had hit me...."

    w12 2/15 page 29 para. 12 (Released online on 17th November 2011)

    For me, the experience contained in the above-mentioned paragraph was the most irresponsible and damaging piece of information to be printed by the Watch Tower Society during 2011. It flew in the face of logic and reason, and it completely contradicted both secular and legal perceptions of how to advise abused women. By perpetuating the 'happily ever after' myth that a wife is somehow responsible for her husband's violent behaviour, the Society are putting female members of the flock in harm's way. If the paragraph were a "one off" that would be one thing, but it follows a pattern of quoting similar experiences over a period of many decades. In giving their advice, the Governing Body is blinkered by its narrow viewpoint concerning marriage and divorce. Put simply, they have historically placed more emphasis on the sanctity of marriage than on the preservation of human life.

    A fuller explanation of this article, with a summary of the doctrinal background, can be found here .

    An excellent forum thread on this topic can be found here .

    Mentally diseased

    2 - "Well, apostates are 'mentally diseased,'..."

    w11 7/15 page 16 para. 32

    The above words sparked worldwide media attention after Amelia, a member of this very forum, approached her local police with a copy of the magazine from which they were taken. The ensuing press coverage helped to raise a degree of awareness beyond Witness circles as to the ruthless methods employed by the Society to breed a climate of fear and intimidation within its ranks concerning any who would dare to speak out against the Governing Body. The media attention even prompted one Watch Tower spokesman to openly lie by claiming that "any one of Jehovah's Witnesses is free to express their feelings and to ask questions. If a person changes their mind about Bible-based teachings they once held dear, we recognise their right to leave."

    Nadab and Abihu

    3 - Disfellowshipped children = Nadab & Abihu

    w11 7/15 page 31

    Also appearing in July's "Watchtower of Hate" along with the notorious "mentally diseased" quote was an article entitled "God's Rest - Have You Entered Into It?" This article went to great lengths to reinforce the counsel to parents that they should continue to shun any wayward teenagers, even likening these to the errant Israelite priests Nadab and Abihu, who were struck down by God for offering illegitimate fire.

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here .

    No more questions

    4 - Stop asking questions!

    w11 10/15 page 32 (Questions From Readers)

    The question posed was "What should I do when I have a question about something I read in the Bible or when I need advice about a personal problem?" The answer, in part? "Neither the branch office nor world headquarters is in a position to analyze and answer all such questions that have not been considered in our literature." This rather blatant attempt at dissuading brothers from writing in with their concerns inadvertently poses further questions, namely: “Why does the Governing Body now lack the resources to administer ‘food at the proper time’ on a personal basis? Does this give evidence of a lack of Jehovah's blessing?”

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here .

    memorial partakers crazy

    5 - Memorial partakers could be mentally or emotionally imbalanced

    w11 8/15 page 22 (Questions From Readers)

    The above Questions From Readers article was evidently printed as a rather hollow attempt at explaining why the number of memorial partakers is sharply increasing rather than steadily decreasing in accordance with scriptural expectations for the 'time of the end". By branding their fellow memorial partakers as being basically deluded, the Governing Body inadvertently make themselves vulnerable to having the same accusation leveled at their individual claims to a heavenly calling.

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here .

    Google mushrooms

    6 - "Internet search engines might be compared to a legion of mushroom pickers..."

    w11 8/15 page 3

    No, I didn't make up that header. I wish I had. In their article "The Internet - Making Wise Use of a Global Tool", the writers of the Watchtower went about systematically discrediting any and all information that might be published on the Internet, and advised that it may be necessary to "shun" the Internet altogether in certain cases. The ludicrous article, which gave birth to the expression "Internet Eve", leveled accusations at online information that could just as easily be used to discredit the authenticity of Watchtower publications.

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here .

    Evil handball

    7 - "Handball filled my mind and heart."

    w11 10/15

    Again, I really wish I had invented the above header, which is taken from a quoted experience in which a girl called Arielle is seduced by the dark side of…, er, handball. The Society went on to use the pages of the October 15th Watchtower to dissuade anybody from participating in sports that encompass a degree of competitiveness, risk taking or injuries. One wonders which sports would qualify as suitable under such sweeping criteria?

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here .

    Foolish hillbillies

    8 - Property portfolio + multiple modes of transport = foolish Christian

    w12 3/15 page 19 para. 20 (Released online on 15th December 2011)

    Another recently published article released in 2011 but dated 2012 used a strategically related experience to take a swipe at Witnesses who own things, branding them as “foolish”. The same magazine (on page 27, paragraph 11) went on to urge Christians not to longingly look back on past opportunities “for higher education, for prominence, or for financial security”.

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here.

    Basketballing Solomon

    9 - Don't make Solomon's mistake by joining a school sports team!

    W11 12/15 pp. 8-9

    This study article in the December magazine was confusing to say the least. It was suggested that Solomon was simultaneously a positive AND a negative role model. Surely the same could be said of almost anyone, myself included? In particular, Solomon’s penchant for idolatrous wives was likened to a teenager choosing to play on his school sports team. Go figure.

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here.


    10 - Spirit anointed v. Spirit appointed

    w11 12/15 page 25

    Little old Sister Wrinkly is a memorial partaker, and a future king/priest anointed to serve with Christ in heaven. Given that she is soon to assume such overwhelming responsibility over an entire planet, why does she not have any say as regards what goes on in her local congregation whilst she is still on Earth among us? This hypothetical scenario has long perplexed me, so imagine my joy when an article came up in the above-mentioned Watchtower dealing with the difference between “spirit anointed” and “spirit appointed” Christians. The answer? “ Elders, for instance, are appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) But not all spirit anointed ones serve as overseers in the congregation. What are we to conclude from this? Simply that God’s spirit operates in different ways on members of the congregation.” Well, that clears that up.

    My forum thread on this topic can be found here.

    I hope my top 10 has proved entertaining, and perhaps, thought-provoking. I would be interested to know what things you have seen printed over the last 12 months that you find perplexing, outrageous, funny, or even (dare I say) informative?

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts, as always…


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    A good list. The formatting was awesome.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I just wanted to say, if awards could be given to posters, you'd get the MVP award in my opinion. I started to say Rookie of the Year, but judging by your threads and posts, not to mention all of the work you've done with the surveys and reaching out to media outlets, I tip my hat to you. You're inspiring, and your're right about this year as it has been a really bizarre and eye opening year for anyone with doubts who're questioning the validity of this corrupt organization's claims.

  • 00DAD

    The theocratic version of Letterman's Top 10!

    Well done, Cedars.


  • cedars

    Band on the Run - thanks for that! To be honest, the formatting never looks entirely how I want it to look on these posts, but overall I'm satisfied with the way it turned out.

    No Room For George - thank you for your kind words. I'm not entirely sure I'm deserving of all that praise, but thank you nontheless. This forum has been a real help to me in coming to the realization that I am by no means alone in reaching the conclusion that something isn't right up there at Columbia Heights.

    00DAD - thanks very much! I thought the one thing missing so far on the forum was a review of what's gone on in 2011. It's good to keep track of some of those things so that we can realise their significance in later years.


  • 00DAD

    Of course, there's also the whole Steven Unthank thing, but there's been tons o' threads on that already!

  • cedars

    Yeh, and I figured I'd stick to stuff that's actually been printed by the Society this year (i.e. things that we can show those still trapped in the organization)....

    Unthank and his excellent work is certainly deserving of a mention though.... hopefully a VERY noteworthy event.


  • stuckinamovement

    Cedars you are the man!

    Thansk for all of your work on these topics bringing attention to the bizarre and conflicting teachings of the Society. Here is wishing to 2012 being the year that the Society gets their ass handed to them in courts, in the media, and in the minds of the flock.




    Thank you! This is one of the main reasons why I enjoy JWN. This review is so important that everyone who reads or posts on JWN should ponder on this information and really see what the WTS is all about.(AND YOU THOUGHT CUBA AND NORTH KOREA WERE DICTATORSHIPS)

    You're right! They really threw some punches out of left field and low blows in 2011. They are against the ropes now and have no choice but to really hit hard. The internet is like a boxer that throws punches right to the gut and hits hard. They have never faced anything like it before. The problem is that this fight will not end when they want it to end and that their opponent will not relent. They will not stop the fight but will try to hit harder. Who wins the fight? That remains to be seen.

  • wannabefree

    Nice work. One can only hope that a turning point for this organization will come ... one thing is for sure, every single year they come up with stuff that does indeed create a turning point for some trapped within.

    Here is a list I made up last year, the year of my turning point. (no fancy formatting, just what I found to be outrageous stuff)

    Problem is, the further along in the wake-up process, the more I realized they have been outrageous since the beginning, funny how we don't see it until our eyes are opened.

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