You are very much loved and appreciated Broken Promises
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Do You Ever Feel Invisible?
by Broken Promises ini'm walking around the street or shopping mall.
people almost walk into me.
umm, can't you see that a person is only inches away from your body?.
Draconian Rules for Attending "Special Convention"
by BluesBrother inbritish dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
What if a pimple appears on your nose minutes before departure? Is there going to be a oversight committee inspecting all arriving witnesses for suspicious malaise or physical irregularities?
Draconian Rules for Attending "Special Convention"
by BluesBrother inbritish dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
This reminds me of a mad man in the '30's that only wanted blue eyed, blond hair (Aryan) men. He perceived them as strong, smart and good looking.
Sounds to me like GB2 and Hitler have similar outlooks
The Real God: An Epiphany (YouTube)
by leavingwt inmy apologies if this video has already been posted at some point in the past.
only recently did i become aware of this particular video.
the opinions of the author are expressed in a way that was new to me.
What he said about belief not being a choice was quite interesting. Thank you for posting
Wha Happened...I thought your wife was a real sweetie. Oompa felt really bad afterwards because he had no idea she was still an active witness. I think he would have said a lot less if he had realized she was still in.
Can't wait for the next Vegas Fest!!!!
Review of Examining the Scriptures Daily 2012 absurdities
by jwfacts ini just endured the painful process of trudging through the 2012 examining the scriptures daily, looking for interesting quotes.
apart from being repetitively boring, it has managed to squeeze most of the watchtower's crazy concepts into a single book.
the comments concentrate on:.
Thank you so much jwfacts! Is that murder ratio correct? That seems really off (1 out of 142), but with Wiki down today I cannot seem to find out.
Phone witnessing??
by OneDayillBeFree inits just praised religous telemarketing!.
ive been doing it this whole morning and the only thing i've done to make it go quicker was to memorize a disconnected number.. its been working extremely well.... but did any of you that ever did it feel strange like you were selling something?!
like you were in a call center?.
Did it once and hated it!
This past summer I received a hand written letter by some sister in the local hall. I guess all the neighbors got one (the witnesses are not allowed in my housing development). It had to have taken at least 30 minutes to write. What a terrible waste of time to hand write letters to 85 townhomes.
How did you leave?
by stuckinamovement inonce you realized the organization is simply a religious corporation, how did you leave?.
did you fade?.
were you forced out?.
Did you fade? No
Were you forced out? Yes, after being away for a considerable time I wrote to the body of elders to let them know my ex husband had grounds to remarry (I really wanted him to meet someone and remarry-which he did). They set up numerous committee meetings, which I never attended, so they DF'ed me.
How did you adjust to life on the outside? I love people, it was easy
Do you still have social or family connections within the organization? My parents are 3rd generation witnesses - but they still talk to me.
What did you do to supplant the lost friends, routine, and sense of purpose? I never really felt like I lost friends. My social life is way bigger than it ever was as a JW. I do feel the need to connect with ex-JWs. Thanks to this site I have been able to make some close friendships here in my area.
Greetings from Snowbird
by Glander inshe is taking care of herself and is feeling better.
she said to say that she appreciates everyones well wishes (she drops in frequently) and will post when she is up to it.. .
I sure have missed Snowbird. So happy to hear she is feeling better.
Awake 3/2012: YPA - Is It Wrong To Be Popular? (with running commentary)
by corpusdei inreading sizemik's post on this ypa article, i went back and actually read the article.
thought i'd actually put down the running commentary that was goung though my head with this thing.. young people ask: is it wrong to be popular?fill in the word that completes the following statement:.
it is ________ good to be popular.. a. always.
L. Ron Hubbard must have thought you guys were geniuses.
This is so funny!!!