Loved every word
Thank you so much!
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
Loved every word
Thank you so much!
nb: this is internet re-post lindsay mannering's article.
enjoy reading.
comments (538)|likes (81)if ever there was a reason to hide under the covers with a box of wine and swear off menfor good, this might be it.
Botchtowersociety - You really made me laugh.
I hope you have learned to pick up the check.
nb: this is internet re-post lindsay mannering's article.
enjoy reading.
comments (538)|likes (81)if ever there was a reason to hide under the covers with a box of wine and swear off menfor good, this might be it.
because I didn't pay, and for dancing with another woman during the date.
Cannot imagine why she was not impressed with you
i never cease to be amazed by the sacrifice that the wts foolishly requires.
one of the larger sacrifices is that of personal freedom that has been demanded of young men and women around the globe.
many are sent to prison for several years and have a felony on their record for life.
I had 3 uncles that spent 4 years in Sandstone Prison during WW2. My father still cries when he tells the story of the paddy wagon pulling up and they handcuffed his older brothers and took them away.
as a born in, or in at a very young age, what were your worst memories as a young jw child?.
i remember not being allowed to go to sleep in the meetings when i was tired.
not being allowed to do lots of things at school other kids could do.
Way too many horrible memories, but here are a few…
· Constant fear that the great tribulation would be much like the Holocaust. I would be imprisoned, separated from my family, raped, starved and tortured. Always worried whether I would have enough faith to stand up for Jehovah and take the abuse that shortly was to come.
· In the mid 70’s (I was about 10), my family purchased a tape recorder. We 5 kids loved it. On the first day, my brother 2 years older than me dared me and my oldest brother to say the Pledge of Allegiance into it. We did and he ran and played it for my parents. I was BEAT with a belt. I could barely walk for days.
· We stopped buying my cat’s favorite cat food because it had blood in it.
· I found out my Zodiac sign and read my horoscope in the paper. I told my oldest brother and he told me that the demons would probably start attacking me. I prayed so hard at night for months for Jehovah to send his angels and protect me.
· Waiting after the Thursday night meeting for my father’s elder meeting to end. Many times they went to midnight. We lived in the Boonies and all the elders lived between 20-60 miles away. So the elder meetings had to be after the meeting.
· Sitting through my father give the Sunday talk “A Godly View of Sex and Marriage” for the hundredth time.
· In my Senior year of HS I started regular pioneering. Two years later, a friend from MN moved to our area. She was also a regular pioneer. We decided we would get a cheap apartment and live together and pioneer. When I told my parents they said “The only way you will ever leave this house is as a bride” So I married the first man that came along.
nb: this is internet re-post lindsay mannering's article.
enjoy reading.
comments (538)|likes (81)if ever there was a reason to hide under the covers with a box of wine and swear off menfor good, this might be it.
This is just plain scary. I would actually be very afraid if I were Lauren. This guy is a phsycho. I have been stalked before and believe me it is nothing to play around with.
i have to say only one maybe two refuse to wave or speak.
most will wave and and at least say a greeting when they see me.
today i waved at a a couple in the hardware store parking lot and they graciously waved back.
Glad to hear some of the witnesses can be civil. I have run into all kinds since my DF'ing. Some will cross the street to avoid even eye contact with me, others still want to be friends on Facebook and have lunch now then.
Have you posted your exit story here? I would love to read it.
some of you know that i am deaf.
Diest - you are so bad!
i have talked before about what happened to me as a jw.
i was baptized at 12 and two years later i was in a judicial committee for sexual immorality after having an inappropriate relationship with an older woman.. it was handled just like any other kh would have handled it.
after a humiliating interrogation by my elder father in front of my mother, he dropped the dime on me.
Terrible thing to go through at 14. This organization has raped so many of us.
i don't recall seeing this posted on this board before, my apologies if the topic is duplicated..... in april 2011 and march 2012, the gb made a "loving provision" to allow jws to sign up for the auxiliary pioneer work with only a 30 hour requirement instead of the usual 50 hours.. in 2011, in the usa, about 500,000 signed up to be auxiliary pioneers.. in 2012, per the august 2012 km, only about 370,000 signed up.. that's a 26% drop in just 1 year!.
granted, in many parts of the us, the march weather is far worse than april's.
but on the other hand, there were 5 saturdays in march 2012 - you could get your "time in" with 5 long saturdays and nothing else.. .
Outsmartthesystem...Participation trophies for everyone!
That is a brilliant idea! Give out those little plastic trophies, with an engraving saying"Aux Pioneer", as a prize at the end of the month.
That should get some of those slackers off their asses.