40+ years I HATED Tuesdays and Thursdays, even after I stopped going to meetings, there was always that lingering feeling of dread on those days. They were like dirty words that made me cringe when I heard them.
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Do Witnesses really want to go to the meetings?
by BU2B indo witnesses really want to go to the meetings?
or do they just go because they feel they must to get into the new world.
or is it just peer pressure or pressure of elders?
Has a wrong disfellowshipping ever been reversed?
by lostnotfound inim not talking about simply being reinstated.
i remember hearing a story about a brother that was disfellowshipped because of the testimony of two false witnesses.
years passed before they admitted to lying about the brother and was reinstated.. what is policy in this sort of situation?
My cousin (Restrangled) was DF'ed in the 70's. Her parents raised holy hell for months with some Chicago and NY heavyweights. A few months later the elders announced that the decision had been reversed. However, the damage it did to a beautiful teenage girl was irreversible.
BORN-INS! What Were The Most Annoying Quotes Your Parents Would Say?
by OneStepOut93 inregarding worldly people, shows or toys?
etc...what quotes annoyed you the most?.
for me it was "well, you have to remember, they're worldly"... "don't trust anyone who isn't in the truth" "they may be nice but they are not friends of jehovah"... just a few to name.
- "You think those kids at school are your friends? Just you wait till the GREAT TRIBULATION starts - they will all turn against you, make fun of you and hate you"
- Sometimes in high school I would make the mistake of saying something like -we won the football game Friday night, only to be reprimanded with the words...."It is not WE! WE are not part of the world."
- "That was the best convention ever"
- The most irritating one is the one my father is always quoting lately..."Disfellowshipping is like a time-out for a naughty child". This is his favorite one these days. J.C. - I'm 47 years old - stop comparing me to a child sitting in the corner
What was the best KISS you ever experienced?
by Terry inthe phone rang in the art gallery and i answered.. the voice was a young woman's.. one of her two parrots had died rather suddenly.. she wanted a colorful frame for the memorial portrait.
could we accomodate her?.
the remaining bird was sulking.. i suggested parrots without partners.. i don't where my tasteless jokes come from.
Okay - this best kiss of my life will probably sound off the charts "strange". I have hesitated relating it but here it goes....
My oldest daughter circled the entire world in a very small ship in 2012 (through the University of Virginia). I missed her so much it hurt. Toward the end of her journey I tried to remember her sweet scent, going into her old room and smelling her clothes - just longing for her to return safely. The day finally came when her boat docked in San Diego; I had her booked on the next flight home to Denver. A number of her college friends wanted to come to the airport with me so unfortunately (thanks to them) I was late. I parked the car in the nearest lot and ran at top speed to the 4th floor where the luggage arrives on the carousels. I saw my beautiful daughter standing off to the side wearing pants from India, a shirt from Ghana and a straw pyramid hat from Vietnam. I threw my arms around her and tossed that hat off her head and smelled her long gorgeous hair and kissed the top of her head before I broke down in tears of happiness.
Now that is a kiss I will NEVER forget!
What Status are you? Ex JW, Inactive, elder, MS...etc
by enigma1863 ini am technically inactive.
i was just curious if there are many people on the inside.
are there any within bethel itself?
4th Generation on both sides Regular pioneered for one decade Spent the next decade wondering how to excape with least amount of damage Finally just left religion, husband, home, town and all friends Took daughters with me and never looked back DF'ed for 6 years I love my life so much. Do not know if it is because it was so awful for so many years or if I am one of the lucky ones that just has a damn sweet life :)
I wrote a review for Anthony Mathenia's new book, Paradise Earth: Day Zero
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.anthonymathenia.com/barbara-anderson-reviews-paradise-earth-day-zero/.
we know that the publishing of mathenia's new book, paradise earth: day zero was announced here on jwn some weeks ago.
we sincerely hope that many of you reading this post have read part one of this three-part series already.
Bought it on NOOK last night. I could not put it down. Many thanks to Anthony for your terrific writing and also many thanks to Barbara for bringing this wonderful read to my attention.
How would you feel about this and would you steps to change the situation
by troubled mind innext week i am having surgery at the local hospital .
one of my old jw 'friends ', that no longer considers me worthy of even a hello ,is a surgical tech there .. would you take steps to ask she not be on the operating team ?
it was brought to my attention today that i do have the right to ask for that person not to be present because of personal issues .. what would you do ?
(Sorry you have to go under the knife - I will be thinking of you)
Who (not what) is your guilty pleasure? (Controversial favorites)
by Terry inwe all have somebody we are crazy about that almost everybody can't stand.. if you mention their name your companions give you that "look" (ya know the one, like you just got caught picking your nose!).
i was thinking about this the other day.
i was truly curious if i'm mental or if everybody has a guilty pleasure list like i do.. i'm just going to assume we all do until you set me straight.. if you attach a photo and short explanation about why you like these pariahs it will be more meaningful.. .
3 of the great loves of my life. Allen, Dickens and Byron.
I am signing off....
by Cagefighter inmight be back, might not.
i really appreciate the historical information on the jw's this board allowed me to find out about.
it really put things into perspective.
Best of luck Cagefighter. You will be missed.
Whitney Heichel - first hand account from congregation member on Facebook
by sir82 inwhy, he even has gone to some meetings at their kingdom hall!
someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the kingdom hall parking lot for the public memorial on friday.
i was amazed how people who came that didnt even know whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family.
Wow!!! What a bunch of BS.
The bank??? Yeah right - There is no way in hell security goes by the way side just because you have an acquaintance that works at your friend's wife's bank. I think the banking industry works slightly different than that (Unless of course it was a JW teller that felt she needed to obey Jehovah rather than Caesar and illegally violated all banking rules)
And if this has turned into such a beautiful witness for Jehovah, shouldn't the murderer get some of the credit for this bountiful witness and in pouring of sheep? Surely he should be praised for all the new Bible studies started.
And lastly, thank you Jehovah for not letting it rain. Your protection is overwhelming.