Lostgeneration.....Really? So what did you learn that was new?"
Response: The end is closer now than ever before. We are on the brink, on the very, very, very brink....
so, we're in the final countdown with the convention just over a month away.
i've talked to a few folks that have already attended it on the east coast and west coast and keep hearing that its the most up-building program they've ever been to.
seems the message is clear that we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and take time to appreciate the efforts we have put in and know that we are deeply loved.
Lostgeneration.....Really? So what did you learn that was new?"
Response: The end is closer now than ever before. We are on the brink, on the very, very, very brink....
with all the back-door politics, white-washing of elder mistakes, selective enforcement of rules etc.
aren't elders not much different than any other political position out there in the world (mayor, congressman, senator etc.)?
doesn't the same hold true as well for co, do, etc.?
I heard many P.O's wives referred to as "The First Lady" - sounds rather political to me
the irony is so thick you can cut a knife with it.
the watchtower must have some real cognitive dissonance.
read it for your self:.
"...imagine that a husband and wife plan a trip and the wife would like to take her parents along. The husband objects. “You’re married to me, not to your parents,” he says. He then gives his wife the silent treatment, shunning her in the hope that she will break down and concede to his wishes." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In most houses this would be grounds for divorce. In my home I would just be left behind if I tried to haul my old mother on a vacation.
so, we're in the final countdown with the convention just over a month away.
i've talked to a few folks that have already attended it on the east coast and west coast and keep hearing that its the most up-building program they've ever been to.
seems the message is clear that we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and take time to appreciate the efforts we have put in and know that we are deeply loved.
What a terrible way to waste three beautiful days of summer. Not to mention the waste of money from missed work, gas, picnic fare, new clothes and the drycleaning bill from all the Shasta pops spilled on your lap.
My parents did do the obilgatory invite to their convention, unfortunately I will be at the pool with a good book and a soft pillow under my head. I sure hope they enjoy year 83 of sitting through another summer convention - happy for them that it is best one yet.
so ever since they discontinues the food service at the assemblies and dcs, jws have been "lovingly encouraged" to pack a light lunch to eat.
the secretary at the hall that i am held hostage in said during the service meeting that even a sub would be too heavy to eat, and that a light salad was the best option.
what do you fine people think is the real reason why, in the absence of food service, jws are told to not leave the building at lunch?
"no leaving early, wandering back to the hotel for a nap or immorality"
SD7 - you are hilarious!
atheist blogger visits kingdom hall.. .
A great read!!!
...you can remember as a kid having to stand by the tv set in a certian spot, sometimes holding the antenna to get better reception.. yes, i was an antenna sometimes.
any more trips down memory lane for you oldies like me?.
after lurking for 7 and half years (is that a record?!
) its time for me to say hello.. so who am i, and whats my story?.
im a born in jw, with all my siblings, mother, wife and children in.
Thanks so much for sharing Wizzstick. It is amazing how many people really started doubting things when they were in Bethel.
AnneOMaly - you brought up something I had totally forgotten about.....The United Nations International year of peace. I believe it was 1986, but the announcement was made a few years before. The hype over this was huge. It would send chills down my back just knowing we were right on the edge of world destruction.
been oooh, 4 months now, nothing, nada, zip, like i never even existed.. no one knows i am awakened, etc... so as far as they concerned i'm still in wt land.. starting missing meetings as i was ill with a virus, knocked me out physically.
the rest is history, as they say.. .
so much for the love that is preached.
Give them some "JUICY" sin to investigate - your phone will be ringing off the hook!!!
i am sure this brilliant video has been posted here before, but for those who have not seen it i am reposting....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaiprrzvnjg.
So excellent! I had not seen this before - thank you for posting it