JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Should Joe Paterno resign over the Penn State child sex abuse scandal?
by james_woods infirst, i don't know if we have had a thread on this yet - so if this is a repost, ignore appropriately.. but i am thoroughly disgusted by this developing scandal - an assistant coach at pen state is accused of multiple, repeated, child sexual offenses.
a member of the football staff exewitnesses and incident reported it to paterno (years ago, it is reported) - and paterno reported it to the athletic director.
nothing was done, nothing was reported to the authorities.. finally, the scandal broke over the weekend.. i am deeply dissapointed with paterno - this guy was one of my football heros.
Should Joe Paterno resign over the Penn State child sex abuse scandal?
by james_woods infirst, i don't know if we have had a thread on this yet - so if this is a repost, ignore appropriately.. but i am thoroughly disgusted by this developing scandal - an assistant coach at pen state is accused of multiple, repeated, child sexual offenses.
a member of the football staff exewitnesses and incident reported it to paterno (years ago, it is reported) - and paterno reported it to the athletic director.
nothing was done, nothing was reported to the authorities.. finally, the scandal broke over the weekend.. i am deeply dissapointed with paterno - this guy was one of my football heros.
I meant to say "I am glad he did notretire with dignity" sorry
Should Joe Paterno resign over the Penn State child sex abuse scandal?
by james_woods infirst, i don't know if we have had a thread on this yet - so if this is a repost, ignore appropriately.. but i am thoroughly disgusted by this developing scandal - an assistant coach at pen state is accused of multiple, repeated, child sexual offenses.
a member of the football staff exewitnesses and incident reported it to paterno (years ago, it is reported) - and paterno reported it to the athletic director.
nothing was done, nothing was reported to the authorities.. finally, the scandal broke over the weekend.. i am deeply dissapointed with paterno - this guy was one of my football heros.
I am glad Paterno did have the option to retire with dignity (Even though I have held him in very high esteem for most of my life)
It looks like more scandels may be coming. Rumor has it that Sandusky pimped out the boys to wealthy Penn State donors.
I hope this scandal puts some fear in the Borg!
Has anyone here actually convinced someone out of the truth here?
by bottleofwater ini'm talking about even people in their own congregation, or even a simple comment at the meeting that shut people up..
Would absolutely love that James!
Has anyone here actually convinced someone out of the truth here?
by bottleofwater ini'm talking about even people in their own congregation, or even a simple comment at the meeting that shut people up..
Everybody just quit, breathed in the clean fresh air outside the prison, and got on with their lives.
Is There A Nice Way To Say, 'It's Dying?'?
by metatron ini got into one of those extended conversations with relatives i haven't spoken to in ages.
it was full of things unsaid and careful avoidance of saying too much about the organization.
lots of nice social hypocrisy, so nobody gets upset in the fairy-tale world of watchtower-ism.. is there any discreet, tactful, inoffensive way to tell them, "the organization is dying"?
Education is demonized, which means that the next generation (non overlapping) will be stupider than the previous generation
How can that even be possible?? LOL
Repent because God's Kingdom has drawn close!
by Kosonen inhere on this forum there are so many sinners, many here are doing things that will bring god's wrath upon themselves.
consider yourself if you in some aspect fit the description in romans 1:28-32:.
and just as they did not approve of holding god in accurate knowledge, god gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers, backbiters, haters of god, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless.
SHAMUS 100 - Come to my house anytime for homemade perogies. They are a weekly staple (with tons of melted butter)
Repent because God's Kingdom has drawn close!
by Kosonen inhere on this forum there are so many sinners, many here are doing things that will bring god's wrath upon themselves.
consider yourself if you in some aspect fit the description in romans 1:28-32:.
and just as they did not approve of holding god in accurate knowledge, god gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers, backbiters, haters of god, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless.
Was Your Life As A Jehovah's Witness HORRIBLE???
by minimus ini can't say my life was ruined because i was a witness.
still, i wish that my upbringing was different.
there's a lot i don't like at all about the witnesses but by the same token, there are some very good people who happen to be jws.. i'm sure some of you hated your life as a witness and i'm sure you have valid reasons..
I had a sweet childhood, even though my parents are 3rd generation fanatics. They were kind, loving and fun parents and I had four awesome siblings.
My marriage to a JW clone (if I may steal Ziddina's phrase) was HORRIBLE. 20 years of being a prisoner - everyday was hell with that man because the f'in cult! He used the cult as a form of blackmail
Worldly Kids at a Bus Stop - I see why JWs home school!
by skeeter1 inthis morning as i was driving back home from putting rug rat #2 in pre-school, i saw one middle-school boy throw another kid into some thorny bushes at our local bus stop.
the kid sailed through the air and landed face down.
i stopped to see what had gone down.
Crappy parents producing even crappier kids.