If there is a god, Hughes will win. Of course if he does win that doesn't mean there is a god. But if he doesn't win, there is definitely no god.
I'll do what I can.
JoinedPosts by 83501nwahs
Help - Ask Newspapers To Report On Lawrence Hughes's Hearing This Week
by AndersonsInfo inplease write newspapers to request them to cover the lawrence hughes.
lawrence hughes is scheduled to argue in court on may.
WHY I believe there is a GOD..listen up...poster named "parakeet"
by dirtyknections insimply put...i believe there is a god..and his name is yhwh aka jehovah..and his son yeshua or yehoshua aka jesus..died for our sins as a propitiatory ransom sacrifice to antone for mankinds sins..i therefore am also a creationist...i do not believe science contradicts the bible...rather i think it agrees and compliments it rather well.. .
i am creating this post in response to comments made in my last post by the poster named "parakeet"... i just thought i should explain myself before he/she starts deducting praise from me (see my last post)..lol...alright here goes.
i grew in a small town in florida called macclenny..population- 20,000.. my mother and her family were raised in this quaint little city...my family on my mothers side has been in this city since the early 1920's...ok...lemme me get to the meat of the story.. .
I believe mental illness and other physiological and neurological illnesses explain most of what you are describing. Have you tried anti0psychotic medication?
Anyway, that's real good that you now believe due to all that evidence, but that doesn't help me or anybody else that didn't personally witness these events. Why don't you bring a camera crew down there and film and record some of this so we can all believe? -
tired and disappointed with the door to door
by buffalosrfree inheard my spouse utter those words today, nice words couldn't have been said, spouse is starting to realize that all that work in the d-d isn't paying off for those at the door nor for those knocking.
have been waiting for this for a long time
I was a fucking pirahna(sp?). A cocky son of a bitch. I'd smart off to householders all the time. I liked to have the last word. I can't believe I was never punched out.
by alone ini need help with a work situation.
background, i work part time at an office where the owner vince, has a brother, gerry who is kind of a manager, he actually hired me 2 1/2 yrs ago.
the office is small, 2 other women work there in the evenings with me, altho another relative of v & g just started (their nephew, very young).
You are crying in the sense that you are comlaining about this situation in general. I'm not talking about the crying you are doing here on the board. I'm saying, you are crying about it right now by your demanding an apology and your inability to just shake it off like a man would be expected to do. Your skin is too thin.
I actually lost a job once where my employer told me that my "skin was not tough enough" because I had whined about one of the managers always barking orders out. Later I heard that same guy had to apologize to a female worker for being too agressive. My complaint was again laughed at and I was told that I was not tough enough for the job and I was given the suggestion to move on, which I did (sound and lighting for an AV company.)
You come here for support and that is great, but sometimes the best advice, especially if you want to be respected as an equal, is: get over it, move on, never bring it up again. -
by alone ini need help with a work situation.
background, i work part time at an office where the owner vince, has a brother, gerry who is kind of a manager, he actually hired me 2 1/2 yrs ago.
the office is small, 2 other women work there in the evenings with me, altho another relative of v & g just started (their nephew, very young).
Playing the devil's advocate here. I can't count the number of times a woman (not all) has played the "you scared me card.' I have been known to have a booming voice at times and women (not all) often think I'm mad when I am not. As a teacher I work around women almost exclusively. My boss is a woman principal. Unfortunately almost every week some woman (not all) has some problem with something I said or the way I said something. I started keeping a log at some point. It is really maddening. It is really an evolutionary reaction that women have to be hyper sensitive and fearful. There is always (not really always) so much drama in a work environment filled with women (not all). Jesus! the petty shit I have to put up with on a daily basis makes me want to turn gay! You scared me, you scared me, over and over.
Announcement, "there is no crying in any workplace allowed ever, unless someone has died." Women (not all) fought for the right to be in the workplace as man's equal, and once they got there they couldn't just accept men the way they are, but had to act like hissy bitches (not all) always (not really always) complaining and playing the "I'm scared' card to get everybody running to them with handkerchiefs and comfort. In the meantime, if men act like hissy petty bitches, they are not shown the same consideration. For example, I decided one day to tell the principal that a fellow teacher was extremely agressive and hostile towards me (and I was not making that up). She laughed me out of her office, nothing was done at all.
In the work place men are expected to be men, but women (not all) can be insecure fearful children. Men are scary, but women aren't apparently.
There is no crying in baseball or at work. Period. If you want to be on the team, you have to play by the same rules as everybody. Try standing up for yourself for christ's sake, like men are expected to do. Yet men can not stand up to a woman, because she will get scared and call the police or something ridiculous like that.
Personally, I think you need to get over it and get over yourself. Stop crying and suck it up like a man would have to do. I worked in construction for many years and two guys getting in each other's faces screaming was not an uncommon thing. Sometimes it comes close to blows. But the next day, the two guys shake hands and it is never brought up again. A woman in the same situation would still be brooding a month later and demanding an apology. -
The Presumption of Divine Appointment!
by Confession inthe watchtower society has frequently denied that they are divinely inspired prophets.
yet they demand they be considered as if inspired prophets, not even allowing the flock to question or have doubts about any of their teachings without coming under scrutiny.. .
similarly, many of our beloved active jws--although knowing full well we don't recognize the society as any sort of divinely appointed agency--still expect us to act as if they are.
Great thoughts Confession! I hope you are having a good memorial day week end! Give me a call if you want to chat. I'm at home cleaning today.
Adventures at the DC
by metaspy in[insert indiana jones music] i missed friday's session because i had to work.
actually i wanted to work, instead of go to the dc.. .
i happen to run into a "brother" who happened to work with me on quickbuilds not too long ago.. he was df'd for a bit and reinstated this year.. my mom had talked to him on friday about my current situation (not attending meetings).. he said he wanted to talk to me to see how things were going (red flags in my head).. .
I spoke with a man, (I went over to the convention to talk to people yesterday) who was the most condescending prick I had ever met. We talked about the 13 million dollar settlemen that he knew nothing about, and the excuses were all the same. They are iperfect men after all. I should have asked him at what point is the sins of the GB so great that you start to doubt whether they are really god's mouthpiece. If the murder a million people, are they still just imperfect and still god's FDS? Is hiding the ID of molesters causing other children to be molested as a direct result of their hiding the ID of the molesters not a crime? Isn't that bad enough to cause one to think about the credibility of those men?
Just bumping it up. I think she's worth it!
Graduation and elders meeting!
by why??? inhi everyone, i'm not new here just haven't posted in a while.
for those who remember me i'm graduating from college on wednesday!!!!
i'm very happy but there's still a dark cloud (pardon the dramatic-ness) i am still with my non-jw boyfriend of almost three years and i've let my parents know that we want to get married (next month) and they went and told the elders(they did it kinda behind my back) who now want to meet and talk with me!
Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not answer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out.
Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not answer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out.Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not abswer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out.Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not abswer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out.Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not abswer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out.Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not abswer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out.Do not meet with them. Do not say a single word to them ever again. Do not allow them in your home. Do not abswer their calls. I can't stress strongly enough how mportant this is if you don't want to be disfellowshipped. Do not ever trust your parents with personal information again. They will put their religion before you. They will narc you out. -
Bill and Janet Bowen of Silent Lambs on the conference call May 24
by kool aid man06 inon saturday may 24 at 7p.m.est our fifth live telephone conference call will take place.
the momentum is building as more and more people are getting on the telephone and participating, including active jehovah's witnesses.
our guests this week will be bill and janet bowen from www.silentlambs.org this group is helping expose the widespread problem of child molestation in the watchtower organisation.
The recordings do not work for me. There is not even a link on the page to activate the recording. Nothing but a die.