Simply put...I believe there is a God..and his name is YHWH aka Jehovah..and his son Yeshua or Yehoshua AKA JESUS..died for our sins as a propitiatory ransom sacrifice to antone for mankinds sins..I therefore am also a creationist...I DO NOT believe science contradicts the bible...rather i think it agrees and compliments it rather well..
I am creating this post in response to comments made in my last post by the poster named "parakeet"... I just thought i should explain myself before he/she starts deducting praise from me (see my last post) here goes.
I grew in a small town in Florida called Macclenny..population- 20,000.. My mother and her family were raised in this quaint little family on my mothers side has been in this city since the early 1920's...ok...lemme me get to the meat of the story..
My mother along with her siblings and mother/ father moved into the house I know as my grandparents house in the early 1950's...upon moving into this house strange things started to occur..the first thing that happened involved my grandfather...In my grandparents room they had a stand alone closet that stood on four otherwords the closet was not built into the wall..well my grandfather worked "puckwood"..aka he was a lumberjack..well he would get up around 4:30 am every morning and get ready to leave for work...well one morning shortly after they moved into the house he got up to get dressed for work...well upon opening the closet he found his work clothes shredded into pieces..
Well you know what he did...he woke up everyone in the house to see who had cut up his clothes...well of course all the kids denied it....therefore he promptly gave everyone a spanking since no one would admit to it...well a couple days later the same thing happened again...again he woke up the house...and again no one admitted to it...instead of spanking everyone he said that he was going to lock his closet and sleep with the key on his necklace...that way he would be able to determine if the kids were indeed doing it...WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED...yep you got it..
The next morning he woke up and all of his work clothes were shredded...and yes the key was still around his neck...suffice it to say...from that point on..all hell broke loose in the keep from this turning into a novel..i will give you a bulleted list of common occurences in the house
-faces in the wall
-voices calling your name
-doors being marked upped and scratched
-spirits manifesting themselves as dogs, snakes, "devils, old women,
-people being choked
-covers being snatched off of people
-faces being caressed
-items moving and flying across the room
-items on the back porch being thrown about
-constant footsteps when nobody is there
-walls shaking
....and so on
I personally have experienced the "footsteps" many times.. and just for the record this has not only happened to just family but also to friends and visitors of the family..these things occur right up until this day...
My Uncle who lives in the house now that my grandparents have passed says he regularly... sees ominous figures...hears voices..footsteps..just recently he said upon emerging from the shower there was a dog-like creaturem on the dining room table that growled at him then jumped down and disappeared under the mother just recently says she was sitting up there by herself waiting for my uncle and father to return when she heard loud footsteps in the back of the house...and they continued for about 20 mins and then stopped when she called on God's name...
Just so we are clear...the people who grew up in that house are now...nurses, hospital administrators, pastors, wood craftsmen, teachers, lawyers, and so on...i say this just to show you that my family aren't wack jobs...they are normal people who represent every level of the socioeconomic scale..I myself am a teacher who now runs his own business...I am a state certified teacher with dual degress in Entertainment Business and Recording Arts/ Music Theory
I literally could tell you hundreds of things that happened in that house!!!!
To sum up...I deduced rather quickly that...if their are evil spirit beings...there are obviously Good ones...AKA IF THE DEVIL AND HIS DEMONS ARE REAL...I KNOW GOD AND HIS SON ARE...
Thank away "parakeet"
WHY I believe there is a GOD..listen up...poster named "parakeet"
by dirtyknections 40 Replies latest jw experiences
The name Jehovah didn`t appear until the 14th century..It is a Catholic invention..If it dosen`t come up before the 14th century,Jesus would never have used it..Jehovah dosen`t and has never existed.....There very well may be a God..But..His or her name is not and has never been,Jehovah.....
Howdy Outlaw,
Would you happen to have a link by chance? Thanks if you can post it.
Have you collected the one-million-dollar prize yet? I will believe you when you do. Funny how only those that believe can see and hear these things.
-faces in the wall
-voices calling your name
-doors being marked upped and scratched
-spirits manifesting themselves as dogs, snakes, "devils, old women,
-people being choked
-covers being snatched off of people
-faces being caressed
-items moving and flying across the room
-items on the back porch being thrown about
-constant footsteps when nobody is there
-walls shaking
....and so onSo then what makes you think it's a demon? Correct me if I'm forgetting something, but according to the bible, demons never did any of those things, with the possible exception of appearing as a snake...
The behavior, (calling your name, moving things while invisible, touching people, choking them, breaking things, shaking the walls etc.) sounds more like a Siren , an Undying, or a Ghost than any Demon...
You should believe in Odin, The Occuria or Calypso... not Yahweh.
Perhaps the visions, sounds, etc. were attributed to a gas leak in the house. Not necessarily natural gas, but other gases (sometimes toxic) that form "naturally" from the ground could seep out to the open. These gases or vapours could very easily cause all sorts of havoc, such as hallucinations and other short-term mental problems.
The shredding of the clothes could just have been a story which after been told so many times became an actual fact (remember those urban legends about smurfs, possessed objects, etc?)
Just my 2c.
cognizant dissident
Maybe the grandma put a sleeping pill in his whiskey because she was tired of having sex with the old geezer. Then maybe she shredded his clothes cause she found out he was cheatin on her with the town floozy. The second time the clothes got shredded it probably was the kids putting the sleeping pill in his whiskey, stealing the key and shredding his clothes because the old jerk gave them all a beatin for nothing!
As for the faces in the walls, dogs, snakes, noises etc, well, you see a lot of crazy shit when you are stoned on whisky and sleeping pills.
There, see, mystery solved and no need for God in the explanation!
In case you think my explanation sounds implausible, let me tell you a true story. When my mom was growing up, her father was a mean, violent, asshole of an alcoholic who used to beat his wife and 3 girls for kicks. So, one day he comes home so drunk, he passes out in the yard outside the front door, out like a light for the duration of the night. My mom, goes outside and punches and kicks the shit out of him until he is black and blue. (I'm guessing she had just a little pent up anger built up over the years!)
The next morning, Grandpa wakes up all black and blue, moaning and groaning, "What happened to me?" They told him he got in a fight in the bar and lost. He never even knew the difference.
Funny how people jump from spirits doing wierd stuff to a whole belief system. Why not just leave it at spirits doing stuff? Why not find a medium who can get to the bottom of it all? Yhwh aka jehovah hasn't served you very well.
S -
cognizant dissident
Yhwh aka jehovah hasn't served you very well.
Besides, my version of the story is just so much more creative and interesting don't you think?
I have heard many many similar stories over the years. From credible ppl. Im not sure what to make of all the stories. One thing is for sure ppl arent making it up. The question becomes are these things directly attributable to a good vs evil scenario? Yes or NO ..and im not sure. If they are then the Bible should be revered. But the Bible has been shown lacking. If they arent connected in some way to the aforementioned then What? Can we assume that something survives death? ?? . If they are entities from another planet that are screwing with us then there is no connection with the God of the Bible and therefore no belief required.....( IN Mexico People see UFOs all the time as well as shadow ppl ) People here in USA and Canada see shadow ppl all the time. Recently someone recounted how he heard knocking on his front door ALL the time. But when he went to check there was always nothing to be seen, So he set up a camera outside and it took pics of a "shadow" ,,shown here:
Good or evil or Satan's demons or dead ppl not going into the light and remaining on this "side" or entities or aliens??? Whatever it is one thing is for sure : The Bible doesnt help identify them because it is lacking in necessary information. IMO. This no more proves God exists than a blade of grass does.