Some will notice I was really busy during the weekend, that’s true as some JWs will say I was in a spiritual paradise surrounded by brothers.
My view of a paradise is everybody living in harmony and happy, my weekend experience was more like unhappy people and complaining about almost everything, not to mentioned the quite discussion in the corners (i.e. gossips).
Anyway, during on the discussions, the IS (Islamic State) topic was started. It all started when on the elders said that he prefers to talk to Muslims in the ministry since they are more open minded and accept our teaching.
I don’t come from a Muslim background but lived among them enough to understand what they believe. In order not to generalise, like any other religion, you will find mixed mentalities and different people react to our preaching work differently, some are polite and others are hardcode and refuse anything we say.
Anyway, the discussion went on to start criticising the IS people and how brain washed they are. IMO That’s true because I believe no one in his right mind will put a belt of explosives on himself and kill women and children. What surprised me was this statement that one of the elders mentioned: I spoke with one Muslim person and he was so defensive about his religion to the point of him telling me that in their religion they are not allowed to question their believes! This is the case with some IS people, they do what they are doing it because they are afraid to ask or reason.
He then compared them to Mormons, who follow their leader without question, because they are not allowed.
The shocking statement was and I quote: They should be more like us, we have bible discussions and the society helps us through reasoning to discern what is right and what is wrong.
After he finished, I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say or what to comment. Did he just say we are allowed to question our believes but only in the society’s way? So how does this make us any different?
Day by day I get shocked and surprised how narrow/closed minded some JWs are. As Jesus said in Mt 7:3: Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye?
Da Furious