Well I now see that I was wrong all along those nice JW actually forced me to stay with them for a while. At first I was very scared but after a while I know can see their point of view. They initially forced me to watch these films. Have you seen Clockwork Orange where the guy is strapped into a chair and his eyes are forced wide open so that he cannot escape the images. It was like that. After a few days though it all makes sense. I am a beliver. I will going out with my bible hoping to make a few converts as soon as my training is complete. Seriously love JW :)
Posts by SWM
They came round again last night and forced me to go with them to a meeting. I dont know where it was because I was blind folded. But I could hear them talking...by the sounds of it from the over heard conversations that I could pick up they were talking about how much of a sucess the assasination of Princess Diana had been. Can it really be true???? Why would JW be behind this terrible plot? Apart from that the meeting was ok, you never know I might go again, well maybe if I knew where it was held, being blindfolded didnt help much.
Update: The JW's came around this morning...demanding their bible back. I was so stunned that I didnt know what else to do so I gave it to them. The one guy said he hoped that I had learnt my lesson and to not mock JW ever again and if I did that I would be sorry :( Whatever happened to free speech????
Do you really think that they will be able to get fingerprints off the bible? Are they even allowed to do that?
I cant proove it, but i think it was them, I should have realised JW cant take a joke and just not done the funny note in the first place :( I guess I should be grateful that they werent muslims else they would probally have suicde bombed my house lol :-/
This morning I saw a couple of Jehova's witnesses strolling through the neighbourhood. The wise-ass in me decided to stick a note on the door saying: "I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR FALSE GOD. KEEP ON WALKING."
After an hour of watching CNN I heard a loud noise and I ran up to my front door. The glass I had stuck the note on was thrown in with a BIBLE.
Here is a picture of my window