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i went to both collage and uni when i was a jw, i got marked and shunned as a result.
it seemed like every week there would be some dig made from the platform about " those that chose higher education" , my so called "freinds" were constandly on at me " why don't you pioneer highdose?!!".
i even had the ciruit overseer denounce me from the platform as being "spirtualy weak" never mind that most of the peers i grew up with had got themselves reproved or disfellowed and that i was the only who had been good!.
The best time to go to university was in the early 90s. I went in '92, and didn't get the negative reaction from the hall. In fact, 2 years in I was appointed an MS and giving Sunday talks. I guess if you could demonstrate that you could do both, then people generally left you alone.
However, it was a small window of opportunity. I remember after graduation dubs once again being criticised for "thinking" about higher education. I guess I was lucky. My parents also believed that you had to get some kind of education to support yourself, as they would see pioneers struggle with low paying jobs.
In early 2000s I would get extremely irritated when I would listen to so-called experiences in a DC where people were abandoning their universitiy careers in their 3rd or 4th year to pioneer! They would seem extreme... why would anyone in their right mind quit near the finish line???
i'm not a jw, but i'm kind of studying to be one though.. now that's out of the way, i remember mortal kombat was banned within my home-my mom isn't too fond of blood in video games..but yet, she plays dinosaur crisis sometimes....but then again, that was when i was now that i'm 15 and i wanted mortal kombat 9 (still) my mom stil lsaid no...but then again, she would let me play it online..i dont know why..its strange, but hey, whatever works for her and me i guess.. .
um...lets see..any shooting games, or any games that has blood in it, she wont let me get.
so i can still play fighting games, just not the ones with, oh well.i'm surprised she even let me play "dead or alive" and "soul calibur"!
I remember I was about 11-12 yrs old and we had a couple over for dinner, of which the brother was annointed. I invited his son (who was in his late teens) to play some Atari 800xl with me.... i pulled out a game called NECROMANCER. lol He asked me if I knew what that meant, and I said I had an idea that it was some kind of wizard. He clarified that it was a dark wizard who controlled the undead. "Great!", I said, "so do you want to play?" We did anyways!
Many years later I found out he was disfellowshipped for going to university to become a lawyer (yeah, that was the official story), however, I believe he became an apostate. He also had been a key player for the start of my doubts, but that's off topic.
My parents would let me play games they didn't quite understand, like: Ultima I-VI, Mortal Combat, Street Fighter, ghost 'n goblins, ghouls 'n ghosts, and later Doom, Duke Nukem, WarCraft II and of course, DIABLO.
Oh, and who was allowed to play PAC-MAN if it was about avoiding and eating g-g-g-ghosts???
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
Sounds like another episode of Paranormal Activities! lol
Seriously, though, I wish I could believe that spirits exist. Let me put it this way, if I were to ever experience such 'activities' or be presented with hard proof that spirits exist, it would compel me to become a christian again.
But here's the catch-22. If I am looking for the proof, then the spirits will never provide me with such proof, because why would they want me to go back? That's assuming their evil... if they are good spirits, they would want to convince to go back, yes?
Of course, such reasoning is simply nonsense, and falls in line with people rationalizing that the devil and demons will never bother people who don't believe because they have already accomplished their mission! It is no wonder that when one stops believing in spirits that suddenly everything simply 'goes away'. Didn't a poster earlier on say out loud to a spirit to leave because it was disturbing his wife? Could it be very much possible that his wife hearing those words triggered an internal response to believe the spirit would have complied? Who's to say spirits even understand english? If they do, they must be intelligent and hence should be able to freely and willfully communicate with us, instead of using cryptic methods. Hence, the reality is that they don't exist, at least in my opinion, and most 'activities' are simply either a fabrication of our mind, or non-sensical rationalization.
Other strong possibilities are carbon monoxide poisoning (resulting in hallucinations and 'hearing foot steps' and feeling cold), and small animals such as rodents picking up small clothing items and carrying them up to the attic.
Hope this helps!
a full billboard ad in my area along a busy heavily travelled highway would cost about $500.
would probably get lots of attention and maybe even a news article, who knows.
$500 is cheap and easily affordable.
remember the made up stories of witnesses in djibouti,africa where they had to walk 2 days in alligator infested waters with no shoes in the blazing sun to attend the meetings?
they made it to the meetings in these terrible conditions.. talk about made up stories!
here is a field service experience that was told at yesterday's public talk which would fall into the made up stories!.
It's just amazing. All these stories create a false sense of protection. It's no wonder JWs who believe them fall into deeper problems/trouble when they simply believe that "doing more" will solve their problems, as opposed to proactively solving their own.
I certainly hope no JW will test that "stop a killer dog with the name jehovah" theory!!!!
a full billboard ad in my area along a busy heavily travelled highway would cost about $500.
would probably get lots of attention and maybe even a news article, who knows.
$500 is cheap and easily affordable.
More ideas on the (or some other name if its taken) web site:
Follow up to what the "auto-generated letter" should say:
- Clearly indicate that they do NOT EVER wish to be contacted under any circumstance (not even once a year, as "do not call" lists are called upon by elders)
- Clearly indicate WHY: i.e. do not share beliefs on shunning, pedophile cases, false predictions (1914, 1975), constant changes in teachings, etc. (keep it short)
- Show the local kingdom hall addresses and phone numbers and the fax number for the closest bethel.
The user can either indicate where they wish to search, or the site can read their IP and determine automatically the closes halls and local branch to fax (or email) to.
I think this could have a TREMENDUOUS impact on the door-to-door work.
THe site needs to be simple and to the point. It won't be meant to convert or educate the public. THey already know they do NOT WISH TO BE CONTACTED.
Who's on board? We would need the efforts of many to contribute local kingdom hall info.
EDIT: Make putting a name optional. Anonymous submissions should be allowed and respected for privacy reasons. Just an address should suffice.
ANOTHER EDIT: Perhaps we can omit the kingdom hall info and just supply the local branch info... Let bethel worry about it. When they get "leads", they forward it to the local congregation anyway, so this should not be a difficult task... but it certainly will keep them busy! LOL
a full billboard ad in my area along a busy heavily travelled highway would cost about $500.
would probably get lots of attention and maybe even a news article, who knows.
$500 is cheap and easily affordable.
Palimpsest, THIS COULD BE HUGE!!!! I'd like to offer help on the site. I've sent u a pm.
To advertise this site, we can all make doorhangers and distribute it in our neighbourhoods. Or in local papers (cheap classified ads). Thoughts?
a full billboard ad in my area along a busy heavily travelled highway would cost about $500.
would probably get lots of attention and maybe even a news article, who knows.
$500 is cheap and easily affordable.
I agree with Barbara... the billboard should target non-jws driving by with a short to-the-point message. The message should be non-offending to jws as to not drive those on the sidelines deeper into the cult.
I really liked the suggestion posted earlier that said something like "Did you know that JWs have a do-not call list?..." Then direct them to a web site.
How about opening a site called where a repository of phone numbers and addresses to contact (local KHs and Bethels) can be provided depending on where you live?
How about writing down a few ideas and putting it to a vote on this board?