Can anyone confirm that the WTS invests in stocks and bonds?
I worked in accounts for many years, and collectively as a hall (8 congregations!) we enjoyed an immense surplus. But the WTS had given specific direction that we could not "invest" those funds. The best we could do were to buy "open" short term GICs or treasury bills. The WTS wanted to make sure we maintained liquidity at all times. And i'm sure investing in stocks would have been viewed as some form of gambling, and how could we do that with the collectives' money?!
Would they not follow their own advice? (Ok, ok, silly question.)
I, too, have said this before: cash flow is vital. If growth is only occuring in third world or poorer countries, they will not be able to sustain the growth. Once they sell an asset it's gone! How will they replenish their wealth? Selling magazines to a family that earns $30 a month???