well i see so everybody its against something, so u still dt accept what i meant by personal decission,so if someone is still in the truth why do u for example say to them oh thats rong etc etc,,,,,
Purealb, I think you are entirely missing the point of every post in this thread!
It is because JWs are still in the "truth" that they will always treat everyone outside as "worldly" or "apostate", therefore shunning them entirely.
Most non-JWs don't care what you believe in. It's your personal choice. But when beliefs harm relationships and families, that's when the line must be drawn, regardless of your religion or background.
Do you really believe your own words? Would you follow the society's council to "shun" a family member if he/she becomes disfellowshipped? Do you still go out in the ministry because you need to convince others that their religion is wrong and that if they don't change they will be destroyed in armageddon?
The reality is, my friend, that you cannot, and they society will NOT allow you to, let people have their own opinions and accept them if they are contrary to the WTS.
What more can be said?