Damn oompa forest fire ? It makes my younger brothers antics pale in comparison.
He decided when he was 12 to march in the towns 4th of july parade. My mom knew nothing about it, the elders lost their collective minds. He was always a rebel lol
anything your kids have done that were way naughty or could have gotten you in trouble with the ehhhl-duhrz..... once my littlest one when he was about 4 or 5 years old asked his mom for a bowl of cereal.
so, she sends his older brother to go downstairs and make them both some cereal.
so the bigger one is an real ass and decides it's time to lord it over his baby brother.
Damn oompa forest fire ? It makes my younger brothers antics pale in comparison.
He decided when he was 12 to march in the towns 4th of july parade. My mom knew nothing about it, the elders lost their collective minds. He was always a rebel lol
here is an excellent video regarding the accusation that skeptics are.
"close-minded" to the supernatural and to woo-based explanations .
if you have ever been on either side of one of these conversations, .
Great video .
Since I have left the witnesses I have become much more scientific in my reasoning. I am willing to accept the supernatural if scientific proof can be provided to me . So far I have seen no proof.
good excuses.
(highly contagious, and you aren't supposed to touch other people's dishes and glasses.)tuberculosis.
too engossed in reading ray franz's book crisis of conscience, besides that i am going to a 12 step program for the annointed that night
if someone owned a cleric's collar, a black blazer and slacks, and a gold crucifix, was well known as a former jw in the local congregation, wouldn't it be great fun to show up at the memorial looking rather 'man of the cloth'?
a large bible with a nicely embossed cross on the cover would complete the ensemble.. one could stand at the back of the hall, hands behind his back, and just quietly saying 'hmmm' throughout the service.
the occasional chuckle could be quieted with a cough to cover and a hidden smile for any who dared take a look.
I would like to go in dressed as Charles Taze Russell with a twist
we have several nearly complete sets of watchtower and awake!
bound volumes, from 1960 through the early 2000s, that we need to get rid of quickly.
you can have them for the shipping cost.
i hear ythey make good kindling
thank god ( well i know all of you wont ) but i did !!!!!!.
in canada when you reach 80 you must have written tests to see if you should still drive .
then every two years after that....i will be 82 in may so i had to go for mine today .. i was so scared as we had so much snow today,i hate driving in the snow.. all my family ( grand kids >not jws) i am sure were hoping i wouldnt pass as they all.
congrats stay out of the snow ;)
Yeah thanks for spoiling my breakfast for the next friggin six months....next you'll be telling me Bacon comes from pigs....sheeesh!
i was engaged to a man and was pregnant last year we lived in different states for awhile when he started studying jw without even telling me.
he lied to me about why he couldn't move with me and after 5 months he finally did then out of nowhere he went back to georgia and hid his relationship with a female jw needless to say they got married.
when i ofund out by calling around he told me it was for convience not love and that he would divorce her he was having alot of problems and didn't want to hurt me.
This guy is a LOSER , He will bring nothing but heartache and pain to your precious child. By the way it isn't because of the religion that he is a loser it is all the other factors as pointed out by ynot. The fact that he is involved with the JWs is just icing on the cake.
i've been reading several of the comments and many of you appear to be out-of-step with the faithful and discreet slave..
Then do not critique others for being out of step with the Faithful and Discreet Slave. You pick and choose yet critisize others for posting anti witness rhetoric. You are disingenous. Why do you not post on a pro JW forum that is sanctioned by the Faithful and Discreet Slave ? Oh thats right there are none. The Faithful and Discreet Slave frowns on independent research of the bible. That should set off all sorts of bells and whistles if you are earnest in your pursuit of bible discussion. Please tell me why are you here ? Consience matter ? That is not what the big shots in the witnesses would call it. The very fact you come on an apostate site makes you an apostate in their eyes. Ray franz got Disfellowshipped for eating a meal with one who was disfellowshipped. I wonder how they would view your continued participation in theologic discussion with those of us who are disassociated. Thats right they would shunn you also.
Oh and by the way with regards to this comment you made "In the end some on here haven't been witnesses for 20+ years and yet it is still a focal point of their lifes" That is the whole purpose of this site to help those that are recovering from the damage that the WTBS has done to find mutaul support.
i've been reading several of the comments and many of you appear to be out-of-step with the faithful and discreet slave..
reniaa to quote you "I personally find this the most apostate Jw site on the internet by a about a mile. " you claim that you are in step with the Faithful and Discreet Slave, so how do you reconcile your continued participation here? The fds tell you not to participate in "apostate" websites yet you are here. At least the rest of us are honest. You are a hypocrite.