hurry back mouthy
JoinedPosts by recovering
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry inenergy and matter are neither created nor destroyed.. consequently, the building blocks of existence are actually finite parts.. to create things in "tomorrow" which are new, something has to be dismantled to leave spare parts for tomorrow's new thing.. the old thing deteriorates, (dies/disintegrates) and the parts become available to make the new thing.. time travel requires going to a place where today's parts are available to be rearranged.. some of today's things persist as they are, of course.
they only travel through time by persisting as they are.
(mountains, for example.).
I am the physicist lol. I am not a theoretical physicist my degree is in medical radiation physics. It is a branch of applied physics. If I had not been born into the JW cult, perhaps I would have pursued a career in theoretical physics. I was discouraged from attending university and only started college in my mid 20's. By then I needed to support a family, so I chose a career tract that could earn me money as quickly a possible. To bad I turned down all those scholarships I had been offered when I first graduated high school.
quick survey on auto driving method... one foot or two?
by Gregor inwith an automatic transmission do you drive with two feet (one on throttle the other for brakes) or one foot for gas and brakes?
apparently some auto mfgs.
are making the two foot method tricky through electronics.
1 foot is the way except for standard (2 feet) . No feet at all with one of the company trucks . My employees showed me on the company truck it has paddles on the stearing wheel and push button gears
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry inenergy and matter are neither created nor destroyed.. consequently, the building blocks of existence are actually finite parts.. to create things in "tomorrow" which are new, something has to be dismantled to leave spare parts for tomorrow's new thing.. the old thing deteriorates, (dies/disintegrates) and the parts become available to make the new thing.. time travel requires going to a place where today's parts are available to be rearranged.. some of today's things persist as they are, of course.
they only travel through time by persisting as they are.
(mountains, for example.).
That is the parodox
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry inenergy and matter are neither created nor destroyed.. consequently, the building blocks of existence are actually finite parts.. to create things in "tomorrow" which are new, something has to be dismantled to leave spare parts for tomorrow's new thing.. the old thing deteriorates, (dies/disintegrates) and the parts become available to make the new thing.. time travel requires going to a place where today's parts are available to be rearranged.. some of today's things persist as they are, of course.
they only travel through time by persisting as they are.
(mountains, for example.).
I have a question to further the debate. How is it determined how much energy is in a given photon of energy? (there is a specific formula but once you answer the question I will demonstrate a parodox )
The formula can be found in Selman's book " The Fundamentals of X-ray and Radium Physics"
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry inenergy and matter are neither created nor destroyed.. consequently, the building blocks of existence are actually finite parts.. to create things in "tomorrow" which are new, something has to be dismantled to leave spare parts for tomorrow's new thing.. the old thing deteriorates, (dies/disintegrates) and the parts become available to make the new thing.. time travel requires going to a place where today's parts are available to be rearranged.. some of today's things persist as they are, of course.
they only travel through time by persisting as they are.
(mountains, for example.).
Recovering at some point that must have happened.
Actually according to current scientific theory no, matter is finite and has never been created. If you accept the big bang theory , all the matter in the universe started out congealed in one incredibly dense point . This matter for some unknown reason exploded into the universe that we know today. It postulates that all matter originates from this.
Energy cannot only be the motion of particles. That would be just one form energy
You are correct energy is not only concerned with motion (kinetic energy) There are other forms for example electromagnetic energy.
Are photons truly particulate in nature?
Ah you have touched on a very complex subject . Photons exhibit the behaviors of both waves and particles of matter .The division of physics that tries to explain this is quantum physics. The specific theory is wave particle duality principle It is a complex topic, but among the most intriguing in physics.
Thank you Terry for providing me with the intellectual stimulation that I have been lacking, it is nice to deal with theoretic science rather than applied science for a change.
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry inenergy and matter are neither created nor destroyed.. consequently, the building blocks of existence are actually finite parts.. to create things in "tomorrow" which are new, something has to be dismantled to leave spare parts for tomorrow's new thing.. the old thing deteriorates, (dies/disintegrates) and the parts become available to make the new thing.. time travel requires going to a place where today's parts are available to be rearranged.. some of today's things persist as they are, of course.
they only travel through time by persisting as they are.
(mountains, for example.).
No. In our universe it is impossible for an area of space to contain nothing. Any region of space that is empty will have particles of matter spontaneously emerge to fill in the "nothing".
Elsewhere I would like to point out to you that the laws of physics do not allow for matter to be spontaneosly created. I believe the link you provided is speaking about vacuum energy a purely theoretical concept.
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry inenergy and matter are neither created nor destroyed.. consequently, the building blocks of existence are actually finite parts.. to create things in "tomorrow" which are new, something has to be dismantled to leave spare parts for tomorrow's new thing.. the old thing deteriorates, (dies/disintegrates) and the parts become available to make the new thing.. time travel requires going to a place where today's parts are available to be rearranged.. some of today's things persist as they are, of course.
they only travel through time by persisting as they are.
(mountains, for example.).
hmm The argument for and against time travel is very interesting. Einsteins theories of relativity seem to allow for time travel however Stephen Hawkins string theory seems to rule it out. Einstein's theory says the faster an object moves the slower time passes for that object in relation to the stationary observer. His theory goes on to state as you aproach the speed of light time indeed sslows and stops, once the speed of light is achieved. Indeed his theory seems to point to the possibility that if the speed of light is surpassed time would start going backwards for that object. (theory of special relativity)
Hawkins on the other hand postulates that the speed of light is finite , therefore time can never go in reverse. He also theorizes that in order to manipulate time,you would need a region where a weak energy condition is satisfied, meaning that the region contains no matter with negative energy density (exotic matter)
Hawkins explainanation is addressed in his 1992 paper on the chronology protection conjecture, where he examines "the case that the causality violations appear in a finite region of spacetime without curvature singularities" and proves that "[t]here will be a Cauchy horizon that is compactly generated and that in general contains one or more closed null geodesics which will be incomplete. One can define geometrical quantities that measure the Lorentz boost and area increase on going round these closed null geodesics. If the causality violation developed from a noncompact initial surface, the averaged weak energy condition must be violated on the Cauchy horizon."
By the way do not concern yourself to much with the mathamatics involved just concentrate on the explanation. I am a medical radiation physicist and I to have a hard time with the mathmatical argument Hawkins proposes .
Do You Personally Know Of Anyone That Committed Suicide?
by minimus inlately, i've come to find out that a more than a few people in the area had killed themselves.
most of the people i know of were in their early twenties or forties.
for those loved ones surviving them, it was mostly a shock!
sadly to many it just means an end to their pain
It is not a solution; however please understand most people who contemplate suicide do so from a feeling of emotional despair. They do not approach the subject from a logical point of view it is purely an emotional reaction. I know as someone who from time to time suffers from periods of intense emotional turmoil. I know rationally it is a long term solution to a short term problem. When I get this feeling I immediately have to do something to refocus my mind so I do not dwell on these thoughts. I think about my children, my wife and my grandchildren and how they would be affected. I do everything in my power to not dwell on the emotional turmoil that puts me in this state. Am I an emotional mess? Yes I will be the first to admit that.