I miss Oompa. His life ended much too soon
JoinedPosts by recovering
Posters You Miss
by minimus inanyone that you miss from this site, dead or alive??.
i miss farkel, blondie and a host of others!.
Wow the Witnesses must love this exposure lol
by recovering inhttps://nypost.com/2018/04/28/inside-nycs-hot-millennials-only-sex-club/.
hmmm not so squeaky clean.
for four days, daniel saynt didn’t answer his mother’s constant phone calls.. “i just couldn’t face her,” saynt recalled.
Hmmm not so squeaky clean
For four days, Daniel Saynt didn’t answer his mother’s constant phone calls.
“I just couldn’t face her,” Saynt recalled. “I had this pit in my stomach. I knew she had found out.”
When he finally answered, his mom could barely speak between sobs. “I’ll never show this to your father!” she said.
The shocked mother, a practicing Jehovah’s Witness, was looking at a Jan. 3, 2018, online article about her 35-year-old son — and how he runs one of New York City’s most exclusive millennials-only sex clubs, NSFW (New Society for Wellness).
“She was angry, hurt and worried they’d have to excommunicate me,” The Bronx native told The Post. He had hidden his secrets — about his bisexuality and his free-love lifestyle — from his religious family for years, but was relieved to now be exposed. “I felt like it was time to come forward, and I didn’t want anything to stop me,” he said.
Saynt started his elite sex group, which gathers weekly at a residential three-unit apartment building in Williamsburg, in 2015.
NSFW now has 700 members — all meeting Saynt’s criteria of attractive, successful, avid social-media users — with an average age of 28. There are 300 more people on the waiting list, and more than 9,000 other applicants who didn’t make the cut. The membership fee is a one-time payment of $96, while each sex party carries an extra cost ranging from $30 to $150.
Modal TriggerAngel ChevresttModels, entrepreneurs, singers, actors, media professionals, stylists and A-to-B list celebrities make up the clientele.
“It’s like the Soho House of sex,” said Saynt, referring to the swanky members-only social club.
And it’s a long way from his religious past.
Born Daniel Santiago at Albert Einstein Hospital in the Bronx, Saynt grew up poor and was raised by Puerto Rican parents devoted to their religion. He attended church every Sunday, woke up at 6 a.m. each morning to spread the gospel door-to-door before school and spent 10 hours a week at Bible study. As per the tenets of his religion, he did not celebrate birthdays or holidays, including Christmas.
Lies from the watchtower
by StephaneLaliberte ini am interested in getting a list of lies that the watchtower has said or wrote in the past that could actually be proven to be as such, or, for the very least, deliberately misleading.
1. in a morning worship lecture in 2015, stephen lett said .
"rejecting false stories designed to separate us from jehovah's organization.
Miracle wheat
Aluminum pots deadly
607 bc year of Jerusalem 's destruction
Vaccinations unhealthy
Heart is seat of emotion
Are among a few that the wtbs has put forth in the past and proven to be false
No matter what this women does it seems you will find fault if it was not done according to your time table sbf . Remember the Franz family left her in charge of their legacy not you. Perhaps they wanted to repay her for emotional support, physical support, friendship, or financial kindness she may have extended to them.
Bottom line she kept her word and published it. Knock it off .
BTW Nowhere is the trinity ever mentioned in the introduction. Just because that may have been a personal belief of the international's author has no bearing on what he wrote ( just like the authors political views)
What many do not realize is the publishing company may well have wanted new material to be included in the book. Why you ask ? It has to do with copyright issues. Copyrights expire after a certain amount of time. However if there is new additional content in an addition it can extend the copyright.
Funny News From My Old Congragation - Elder Fight!
by pale.emperor ini haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
No no we all enjoy your stories
He is on you tube and redditt i am sure that will suffice. Especially since those where the venues where he spilled much of his venom
I think ceders owes a huge apology to Ms Dykstra. He maligned her character. I can’t believe how she was characterized on the above reddit.
Ugh out of stock already . I also do not see an ebook addition
Who deserves the title of king of apostasy ?
by Chook ini think this would be a noble endeavour..
Apostates do not need a king. It is enough that we now can think for ourselves. I am no longer afraid to question any man. I can pick and choose what is my own truth now.