You are 23% Jehovah's Witness!
JoinedPosts by recovering
FUN TEST! I am 37% JW!! Post your percentage here plz
by Tired of the Hypocrisy ini found this online.
i have not seen it on here before so i thought i would post it.
it is a test to determine if you belong in the jw religion.
Do You still Believe Some of the Doctrines?
by cameo-d ineven if you have left the jws are there still bits and pieces of the doctrines you still believe?.
what doctrines do you still believe that are taught by the wt?.
When I take the bible's advice and examine their doctrines ,The only doctrines I believe in are these quotes from the bible...
Jer 23:21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Of course I think these scriptures apply to the witnesses
I've done this before, but who is from MA?
by danfromma ini was in the newton cong from about 86-96, never baptized..
I am from ma , grew up on cape cod
Re: Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?
by FiveShadows inum....hi again.. you know, i post a comment and people started tearing eachother apart.
i work full time and have been very busy.
i wasn't even expecting many people to respond.
To further clear the air I harbor no ill will towards the poster with whom I had a disagreement with. I never thought the conversation would get as contentious as it did. In fact I am sorry it got so heated. However as a health care professional, who is an expert in the field, I would have been negligent if I had not set the record straight. There was an increased risk of mortality and illness associated with his treatment recommendation. My premise is supported by medical scientific fact. I was deeply concerned not only about your health FiveShadows , but of other readers of his recommendations. Again I am sorry it got as heated as it did, however I felt it would be irresponsible to not impart medical fact. I again would encourage you to use your physician for a sounding board when it comes to medical treatments. There is an abundance of misinformation on the web regarding "alternative treatments. Remember not all alternative medicine is bad, but please be careful.
By the way I am a Dr of medical radiation physics and I am a lithotripsy specialist.
Made contact with an old friend
by recovering inlast night i made contact with a jw that was very special in my life at one time.
when my father died (i was still a child of 12) he and his wife where the only ones to take an interest in me and my younger brother.
they where exceptionally good to us.
Last night I made contact with A JW that was very special in my life at one time. When my father died (I was still a child of 12) He and his wife where the only ones to take an interest in me and my younger brother. They where exceptionally good to us. My friend was a MS. Over the years we lost contact with each other. I finally found him by doing an internet search. He is no longer a witness and is bitter about some of their practices. He still believes in the bible, but is opposed to the unforgiving dogma of the WBTS. He related tragic news to me. His best friend and a MS committed suicide due to the pressure of being a witness. My friend and I had a long discussion about how religion should be where you turn in times of crisis. How sad the jws have missed this completely. Instead of soothing the troubled spirit of their members, they add stress and heartache to them. Does not the bible say in Jeremiah that god would be our refuge in times of trouble?
19( AE ) O LORD, my strength and my stronghold,
(AF) my refuge in the day of trouble,The witness hierarchy has a lot to answer for.
by Mary ini just got some awful news.
my jw brother in law has been diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome.
needless to say, we are all extremely upset as it is a potentially life-threatening illness that can turn into leukemia.
May I ask if your brother has been exposed to any of the following; radiation, benzene (a solvent) or other harsh chemicals? Myelodysplastic syndrome is usually the result of exposure to environmental carcinogens? My field of expertise is not oncology; however I will try to answer your questions.
Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?
by FiveShadows ini'm trying to restart my body building and have met several people that work out and train on a regular basis.
i want to get healthy, partly over the fact that my health isn't doing too good.
i'm very thin, but the deal is, my cholestrol level is bad.
you have a reading comprehension problem Vinny. To do the test you must color the oil that you are ingesting, as I stated before. Please post the analysis of these stones you say are mostly cholesterol. I think it is you who have been painted into a corner Vinny. I do wish you well however.
I am amused that the first link you provided
Yes, many people were skeptical, and decided to analyze their stones.
Analysis can only prove what stones are composed of.There is a possibility that stones are formed from bile, but formed inside intestines, not only inside billiary bile ducts.
If results of analysis are: cholesterol, bile, pigment, bilirubin, biliverdin, protein , calcium, then there is no doubt that analyzed stone is indeed made from bile ... but we still don't know where the bile precipitated into stones.
When bile precipitates into stones inside gallbladder or inside bile ducts ... these are then called Gallstones or intrahepatic stones.
When bile precipitates into stones inside intestines ... it may be called actually proves my point lol
Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?
by FiveShadows ini'm trying to restart my body building and have met several people that work out and train on a regular basis.
i want to get healthy, partly over the fact that my health isn't doing too good.
i'm very thin, but the deal is, my cholestrol level is bad.
You sir are exibiting blind faith in something that is truly unproven. That is much more like the folks sitting in the KH than my asking for scientific proof of these claims. I have provided scientific proof about people dying from cathatics. Your cleanse is a cathartic. There have been numerous reports of fatal and near-fatal cases involving hypermagnesemia either in patients receiving magnesium with unrecognized renal failure . Like I said before it is called hypermagnesemia . Do the experiment I outlined , it will either prove or disprove my point.
Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?
by FiveShadows ini'm trying to restart my body building and have met several people that work out and train on a regular basis.
i want to get healthy, partly over the fact that my health isn't doing too good.
i'm very thin, but the deal is, my cholestrol level is bad.
I have tried to reason with you logically Vinny, I can see that it is hopeless. At least do not advocate a scientifically unproven cure to others. You can do whatever you want with your own body. I have shown that it is impossible for meatball or grape sized gallstones to pass out of the liver. I have explaned to you what you are expelling is bile stained congealed oil.(soap)
I have a very easy test you can do to prove if what I am saying is true or not Vinny. Next time you do one of your cleanses put a bottle of either red food coloring in the oil you drink. Prepare everything else as you normally would. When you pass your "stones" cut one of the larger stones open. I will guarentee That it will be stained red inside. This should prove to you that the "stones" not from the liver but the congealed oil as I claim.
Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?
by FiveShadows ini'm trying to restart my body building and have met several people that work out and train on a regular basis.
i want to get healthy, partly over the fact that my health isn't doing too good.
i'm very thin, but the deal is, my cholestrol level is bad.
It has never been studied Vinny that is correct. You should be asking why it has never been scientifically studied. All legitimate companies that manufacture medications support very rigorous scientific analysis of their products before they begin marketing them to the public. Also since the companies that sell this product are largely unregulated they do not keep records of mortality rates. I have already addressed the mortality of patients exposed to magnesium sulfate cathartics (The Epsom salt component of your cleanse) By the way, Vinny there are many alternative medical treatments that have been scientifically studied. Some show promise. I am not adverse to learning about an alternative to traditional medicine as long as it's efficacy can be scientifically confirmed. So bring on the scientific proof. You now know the criteria I am expecting.
You are just a stubborn person refusing to see the truth no matter how much evidence is provided Vinny.