I found this online. I have not seen it on here before so I thought I would post it. It is a test to determine if you belong in the jw religion. ENJOY! Oh and post how much jw is in you......
FUN TEST! I am 37% JW!! Post your percentage here plz
by Tired of the Hypocrisy 145 Replies latest jw friends
It said witnesses wouldn't let their kids hang out with me because I'm a bad influence.
13%-Im "rebellious"
I thought this was right on:
What is the most important quality you look for in a church leader? Honesty, Integrity You might not fit in so well at a Kingdom Hall. Jehovah's Witnesses choose their leaders based first on quantities of service, then qualities listed in the Bible. Honest men of integrity that don't spend enough time in the door-to-door preaching work, or don't show up for all of the five weekly meetings will not become leaders among Jehovah's Witnesses. -
I'm 20% Jw
Undoubtedly because I drive a four door car!
Being 20% Jw is like have dog poo on your shoe. It won't kill you, but, you'll track the smell everywhere you go!!
Mine was 17%. Would have been lower, but I got high marks for driving a four door car and keeping my lawn presentable. : )
I am 23% Jehovah's Witness.
AK - Jeff
Damn - I thought I more than 70% rooted out of me!
0% - If I take that test and I scored higher than that it would piss me the hell off so I'll give my own score.