Illegitimi Non Carborundum
which means "Don't let the bastards grind you down"
i love inspirational quotes.
i read through them from time to time and i always feel better after sharing the thoughts of yesterday and today's greatest minds.
"if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
which means "Don't let the bastards grind you down"
great tribulation
theocratic warfare (jw word for lying)
holy spirit,
evil slave class
torture stake
judicial commitee
circuit oversear
interesting place to lurk and in just a few days there are 180 members....i quickly noticed there are very many posts raising questions elders hate to be why is there a no face hair rule except for mustache?.....and many wedding rings are pagan...but due to nobody feeling that way now...why is that rule not applied to everything else like it...and on and on from many who have posted...... and they ususally want to know if there are biblical reasons for the rule or teaching!!!
!......this thing will not last long........oompa.
oh and if you join...the guys running it send pms to you listing the "trouble makers" found on the site....not sure if they can be kicked out without violating the rules like cussing and porn posting.......i just wonder how many tough questions they will let be discussed..... .
so i decided to go for a check up - just to sure.
the boobs are healthy albeit a little sore from being flattend.
i just need to be a little more gentle with myself when checking for lumps, i tend to probe too hard .
chelle you are not talking about xrays, you are referring to breast mri
seriously.... i wonder how they would be evaluated by a psychologist.. it has to take an incredible level of self deception and delusion for them to believe that they alone have some special connection to, what they believe is, the most potent force in the universe.. clearly, they are very, very sick men..
it is interesting how many of these traits are demonstrated by the borg
This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
oompa you have a pm
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
86 feet long to be exact . It was one of the best trips of my life, (we did have to put into norfolk for a few days due to weather) but all in all it was very cool. I miss my old friend.
click on the link i provided earlier it will give you an idea Of how special that schooner was
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
Larry and I sailed from cape cod to bermuda in happier times
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
"actually recoverings next to last interior pic looked like a proper sail yacht'
It actually is from a more "respectable" yacht
I too used to sail in my youth , but no more due to the tragedy that happened to a friend of mine. He spent 30 years of his life building his dream.