JoinedPosts by recovering
Yes ANOTHER song thread. What song best describes you?
by awildflower in
My wife got very nervous about me being on this sight
by recovering inmy wife walked in while i was on this site.
she saw the header jehovahs witness.
net and exclaimed what are you doing, you are going to be brainwashed.
My wife walked in while I was on this site. She saw the header Jehovah’s Witness. Net and exclaimed “what are you doing, you are going to be brainwashed”. It gave quite the chuckle. You see my wife has never been a witness and is opposed their belief due to the child abuse and shunning that she is aware of. So why was she opposed to me being on this sight you ask? My lovely wife thought that this was pro witness sight. She was getting nervous thinking that I would even consider going back to the cult. I had to explain what this sight was all about. She was more than relieved afterwards.
Elders dont know much !!
by leo999 inone of the reasons that i started to 'wake up' from 50 odd years of slumbering in the 'truth' was the realization that the elders just do not know very much at all .
in fact they are so very ignorant !.
2 years ago , i was trying to fill in the advance blood directive form , or whatever it is called and i had the km insert on the allowable fractions to refer to .
It is not only medical issues that they are uniformed about. I once was publically reproved for going to juice bar with my boss. I was working for an educational institution when i was 17. They had a juice bar on campus. My boss invited me and the other 2 young employees to have a juice after work. My crazy mother reported me to the elders for going to a bar. I tried to explain to them what a juice bar was to no evail (no alcohol is served in a juice bar, just fruit and vegitable juice). These brilliant men had it in their heads that a juice bar was a bar you went to to get "juiced" (drunk) . I eventually gave up trying to explain, but I never looked at the elders with any respect after this incident.
Oh the brilliance
Ever Heard Of Someone Being Disfellowshipped For Talking To A DFed Person?
by Quillsky ini haven't.. i propose that a shift, a change, begins here, spearheaded by those who are still "in".
what's the worst thing the organization could do to you?.
show some love to the next vulnerable disfellowshipped person you meet and speak to them, show them some humanity, some understanding.. if you're disfellowshipped yourself write an email today to someone you love who is not "permitted" to speak to you.. report back on here if it makes some kind of difference..
ray franz was disfellowshipped for this
my mum taught us very valuable lessons about Jehovah in her special way. Any other parents out there as psycho?
by God Chick inok before i start i know my mum was um "special" and had some, well...... bizzare training ideas.. .
i was one of 7 kids, dad didnt help much coz he was sick, so my mum was left to run the 'ship' and she did it with an iron fist.. .
we were never late for a meeting we sat, parents and 2 kids in one row the other 5 in row in front.
Wow so much of this brings back terrible memories for me. The witnesses have so much to answer for . they use the scripture about sparing the rod to justify child abuse.
Is Smoking Pot Harmful?
by minimus indo you think it's bad?
is it no different than alcohol?
a little in moderation is ok?.
here is where i got my info from. I quoted it word for word.
this website is an online reference for all medications and not a drug abuse website
Is Smoking Pot Harmful?
by minimus indo you think it's bad?
is it no different than alcohol?
a little in moderation is ok?.
I used pot in college (like many others) . As I matured I stopped using it. I would like to caution everyone,Marijuana like any other drug does have side effects. I have listed them below in the interest of full disclosure.
What are the short-term effects of Marijuana use?
The short-term effects of marijuana use include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch); difficulty in thinking and problem solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate, anxiety, and panic attacks.
THC in marijuana is strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. In heavy chronic users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana.What are the long-term effects of Marijuana use?
People who smoke marijuana often have the same respiratory problems as cigarette smokers. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis
, and more frequent chest colds. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia. Marijuana contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarette smoke.
Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use on Learning and Social Behavior
Marijuana affects memory, judgment and perception. Learning and attention skills are impaired among people who use it heavily. Longitudinal research on marijuana use among young people below college age indicates those who use marijuana have lower achievement than the non-users, more acceptance of deviant behavior, more delinquent behavior and aggression, greater rebelliousness, poorer relationships with parents, and more associations with delinquent and drug-using friends.
Effects on Pregnancy
Any drug of abuse can affect a mother's health during Some studies have found that babies born to mothers who used marijuana during pregnancy were smaller than those born to mothers who did not use the drug. In general, smaller babies are more likely to develop health problems.
A nursing mother who uses marijuana passes some of the THC to the baby in her breast milk. Research indicates that the use by a mother during the first month of breast-feeding can impair the infant's motor development.Addictive Potential
A drug is addicting if it causes compulsive, uncontrollable drug craving, seeking, and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.
While not everyone who uses marijuana becomes addicted, when a user begins to seek out and take the drug compulsively, that person is said to be dependent or addicted to the drug.
Some frequent, heavy users develop a tolerance for it. Tolerance means that the user needs larger doses of the drug to get the same desired results that he or she used to get from smaller amounts. -
How many of you were baptised at a young age?
by lepermessiah inone thing this site has made me reflect on the baptism practice in jw land.. many of us were raised in the religion, thus you were given the pressure early on to shoot for baptism as a goal.. i remember feeling bad because i waited until the ripe old age of 14 to take the plunge.. looking back, i realize that when i was 14, i didnt even know what my favorite color was, let alone have enough knowledge to make a life altering decision.
yet, growing up in that climate, i would say anyone who waited past their early teens to get baptised was viewed with great suspicion and was likely to be viewed as "bad association".
kids who took the dip at 8-9 years of age were viewed as "wise beyond their years" and the like.. how old were some of you when you were baptised, and what are your feelings on the matter?.
12 biggest mistake of my life
Law Suit against the WBTS
by God_Delusion ini am sure this has been brought up in a thread before, but i wanted to know if anyone had successfully won a legal battle against the wbts?
for example, i have read that some of you knew ones that died because they declined having an organ transplant.
someone surely must have at least tried to sue, right?.
I wan't to make something clear I should have put quotes around the article I was not involved in the case I was just copy pasting an article that i read and saved
Law Suit against the WBTS
by God_Delusion ini am sure this has been brought up in a thread before, but i wanted to know if anyone had successfully won a legal battle against the wbts?
for example, i have read that some of you knew ones that died because they declined having an organ transplant.
someone surely must have at least tried to sue, right?.
Usually if there is any chance of loosing a case the WTBS settles out of court so that no precident is set. ie sex abuse settlements (they also make sure there is a nondisclosure clause)
Here is a case that they settled (not an abuse case, also no nondisclosure clause)
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, which is the umbrella organization over 6 million Witnesses worldwide, paid the estate of Frances Coughlin $1.55 million dollars rather than let a jury decide the wrongful death lawsuit.
Frances Coughlin's surviving family sued Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in State of Connecticut Superior Court at Milford (CV-00-0072183 S).
The principle defendant was a "Bethelite," or full-time ministry worker, who drove recklessly in bad weather and killed Ms. Coughlin, a mother and grandmother, on October 8, 1998.
That Bethelite Jordon Johnson was traveling between "Bethel," which has housing for its full-time workers in Patison, New Jersey and Brooklyn, New York, to a Witness Kingdom Hall he was assigned to in Derby, Connecticut.
Johnson was found guilty of vehicular manslaughter, but only served 30 days in jail and was sentenced to two years probation. Subsequently, he and Jehovah's Witnesses faced a civil suit filed by Ms. Coughlin's surviving family for damages.
Why was the Witness organization willing to pay more than $1.5 million dollars?
Apparently because a much larger issue of "agency" was at stake.
Agency is the word used to express a relationship between a principal party and its agent, through which the principal party projects its power and/or advances some purpose. And a principal party may be held liable for the actions of its agent.
Jehovah's Witnesses contended that Jordan Johnson acted on his own and was not their agent at the time he caused the fatal car wreck.
But plaintiff's counsel, Joel Faxon of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, claimed on his client's behalf that Jordan Johnson was serving as a Bethelite and agent of the organization at the time and advancing their purpose, therefore Jehovah's Witnesses was responsible for his actions.
Internal documents were obtained through the discovery process and testimony was given through depositions, which clarified and substantiated Faxon's view.
I was retained as an expert witness and consultant for this case by the plaintiff's counsel.
My role was to assist in the discovery process, provide research and generally help to form a basis for an understanding of how Jehovah's Witnesses employ, use and control Bethelites and others within their organization. Ultimately, I would have also testified as an expert in court.
That testimony would have included explaining in clear terms how the organizational dynamics, indoctrination and objectives of Jehovah's Witnesses impact individual members and more specifically full-time workers such as Bethelite Jordan Johnson.
But on the first day of trial Jehovah's Witnesses decided they didn't want a jury to decide this case and instead $1.55 million was paid to the plaintiff.
The organization that claims it is waiting for the ever-eminent "end of the world" decided to settle in a pragmatic move to protect its long-term interests and more than $1 billion dollars of accumulated assets.