One of the reasons that I started to 'wake up' from 50 odd years of slumbering in the 'Truth' was the realization that the elders just do not know very much at all . In fact they are so very ignorant !
2 years ago , I was trying to fill in the advance blood directive form , or whatever it is called and I had the KM insert on the allowable fractions to refer to . Now as I had been always an active witness during the years when we bros / sis phoned various food manufacturers to check on whether blood products were used in their ice cream , sausages , chocolate etc etc , I was astounded at how we were now allowed to have these large fractions .
So I cornered our study overseer after the group and asked him about this . We arent to have red cells at all , but the Hemoglobin fraction which was 33 % of the red cell was ok . I asked this poor elder about this . What was the remainder of the red cell I asked ?? What was the other two thirds of the red cell that we couldnt have ?? He gaped at me and said nothing .
No doubt , being the studious type , he thought about it and other blood questions I asked in all innocence at the time , and for which he had no answer except to check bound volumns and cd roms that didnt answer them . He came off being an elder a couple of months later and I always wonder now , if my innocent questions and his lack of answers made him think. I hope so !!