I used to hate going to the beach or to gym class (you had to change into gym close and you could see the welts and bruises) Yep parents thought that god wanted them to beat me with a razor strap.
JoinedPosts by recovering
BEAT that Child!
by Farkel inthis is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
BEAT that Child!
by Farkel inthis is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
Thanks to the advice these fools gve i had to undergo counceling due to the abuse i received.
broken hearted
by recovering in9:05am may 12i just got this facebook message from my niece.
i had always thought she was smarter than this.
she is a college educated woman in her 50's .
I am so sad. My niece was not raised a witness . My sister did not believe in the wt (much to my father's chagrin). My neice lived a normal life free from the wt even though many of my family members where witnesses. She is educated and has alwys been a leader not a follower. I can't believe that now that she is a grandmother she would fall for their tall tales. She just recently got baptized. It seems to be a pattern in my family. They seem to turn to the wt in their later years can someone please explain this to me? The sad part is I think that if I knew about the truth about the wt before my father had died I could have shown him that it was a crock. My father was an intelliget man.
broken hearted
by recovering in9:05am may 12i just got this facebook message from my niece.
i had always thought she was smarter than this.
she is a college educated woman in her 50's .
9:05am May 12 I just got this facebook message from my niece. I had always thought she was smarter than this. She is a college educated woman in her 50's . She is not a youngster(50's) . Why after all these years of living a succesful life would she do this? Hi darling, I am doing great.... baptized Jehovah's Witness now. YOur father would be so proud. How are things with you and your wife. Hope all it well. Keep in touch.... love you
Kidnaper of 3 Cleveland women - his mom a JW
by Gayle inhttp://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/castro-brothers-spend-night-jail-article-1.1338131#ixzz2sjzrxozd.
Point of clarification the police no longer think all 3 brothers where involved. They now think it was only Ariel Castro.
"There is nothing that leads us to believe that (the brothers) were involved or they had any knowledge of this," said Tomba. "Ariel kept everybody at a distance."
Tired of my profession
by recovering inas many of you know i am a healthcare professional.
i am so tired of the antics and fiscal shenanigans of hospital ceo and their ilk.
it is compromising my ability to adequately take care of my patients.
Band on the run. It is common knoweledge among healthcare professionals that the care given at smaller community hospitals is often superior to that recieved in larger university based hospitals. The larger university hospitals are very good at diagnosing difficult cases, however for hands on nursing care smaller comunity hospitals win hands down.
Tired of my profession
by recovering inas many of you know i am a healthcare professional.
i am so tired of the antics and fiscal shenanigans of hospital ceo and their ilk.
it is compromising my ability to adequately take care of my patients.
One of the solutions I see is accountability by senior hospital administrators. They need to be healthcare professionals first, then perhaps get financial degrees/training. This would go a long way to ensure that the patient is of paramount importance. I think that we need to return to a system which promotes more generalizationand less specialization . This is true not only for hospitals it is true of healthcare providers. I could go on and on ....
Tired of my profession
by recovering inas many of you know i am a healthcare professional.
i am so tired of the antics and fiscal shenanigans of hospital ceo and their ilk.
it is compromising my ability to adequately take care of my patients.
As many of you know I am a healthcare professional. I am so tired of the antics and fiscal shenanigans of hospital CEO and their ilk. It is compromising my ability to adequately take care of my patients. It is a widespread problem throughout the healthcare system. One of the hospitals that i have to see my patients at has a particularly corrupt administration. Please read and tell your friends I do not know how much longer I can keep providing care in this type of atmosphere. It has gotten so bad, that at several of the hospitals that i treat at, no longer can afford to purchase the necessary supplies to treat patients.
Jeffrey Krusinski, Air Force Officer In Charge Of Sexual Assault Prevention Program, Arrested For Alleged Sexual Assault
by recovering inthis is insane .
we kep putting the fox in charge of the hen house!!!!!.
jeffrey krusinski, air force officer in charge of sexual assault prevention program, arrested for alleged sexual assault.the air force officer in charge of the military branch's sexual assault prevention program was arrested for sexual assault, arlnow reported monday.. .
This is insane . We kep putting the fox in charge of the hen house!!!!!
Jeffrey Krusinski, Air Force Officer In Charge Of Sexual Assault Prevention Program, Arrested For Alleged Sexual Assault.The Air Force officer in charge of the military branch's sexual assault prevention program was arrested for sexual assault, ARLNow reported Monday.
Stars and Stripes confirms that Lt. Col Jeffrey Krusinski, the chief of the Air Force's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program, was arrested early Sunday in Arlington, Virginia.
The crime report reads:
On May 5 at 12:35 am, a drunken male subject approached a female victim in a parking lot and grabbed her breasts and buttocks. The victim fought the suspect off as he attempted to touch her again and alerted police. Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, of Arlington, VA, was arrested and charged with sexual battery. He was held on a $5,000 unsecured bond.
According to Wired reporter Spencer Ackerman and NBC News, the Air Force has removed Krusinski from his post, pending an investigation into the allegations.
The Air Force has recently faced a number of sexual assault scandals, most notably at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. More than thirty training instructors and drill sergeants have been disciplined in the scandal, which is still under investigation. Almost 60 potential victims have come forward with reports of sexual abuse at the San Antonio training facility.
JW's are ordained Ministers!!! er..umm right?!?!?!
by DATA-DOG injust wanted to post this because i just discovered most of it, and you may be interested.
also, it is relevant to the victoria australia case, specifically the wtbts's defense.
if you read the transcripts, you will see how the lines are being blurred between who is a minister, and who is not.
Interesting that in the Conti case appeal the wtbs claims that the offender is not an ordained minister even though he was a ministarial servent.