It is not a question of police officers abusing race as I see it. It is a question of police officers abusing the citizens in general. They are not mandated to be judge jury and executioners. I am going to relate to you an experience my younger brother had. He has never been convicted of so much as a misdemeanor by the way. He was about 21 at the time of the incident . He slapped a street sign as he was walking down the street. (this is not against the law btw) He was beat up by 2 police officers . He was handcuffed then put in the back of a police cruiser. He asked what he was being arrested for. They laughed at him. He then requested that his rights be read. The officers laughed and proceeded to read him his rights in Spanish (my brother is an American who was born in the US). They then decided to give him a ride. They repeatedly slammed on the cruiser brakes causing my brothers face to be cut up by the grate that separates the officers from the prisoners. I was notified by one of his friends that he was arrested. I of course went right down to the police station. Low and behold he was still not there. I traveled over 1/2 an hour to get to the police station. where my brother was arrested was less than 5 minutes from the station. I left the station and waited for him to call. I guess when they finally got to the station the booking officer had a fit. You see one of my uncles happens to be a county judge and low and behold the police chief happens to be the godfather to my half sister. All of a sudden all record of his arrest disappeared. I picked up my brother at 3 am . My brother and I later talked to the police chief who assured us that the officers would be disciplined internally.
My point is not all victims of police abuse are criminals as some of you believe. We are a nation of laws . These laws must apply to all citizen and police alike. If this is not the case civil unrest most assuredly will occur. Is the looting justified? Of course not!!! Should police be held to a higher standard? Of course. Only in this way can they become respected by the community.