Why are you so hell bent on defending the policeman Simon. Even the arrest has been deemed illegal in the first place. The refusal of the policemen to render medical aid is a crime .The inconsistencies in the police accounts should give you room for pause. The pattern of abuse by Baltimore PD was well known. Please read what a former Baltimore detective commented....
The place where prosecutors say Freddie Gray was fatally injured - the back of a Baltimore police van - is “like a black hole,” a former detective told the Daily News.
“Nobody can see what’s going on over there,” Joseph Crystal said Friday - and that was apparently how cops liked it.
The department “has a history of covering up wrongdoing,” the 31-year-old said.
Crystal was a detective in the BPD until Aug. 14 of last year, when he says he was hounded off the force for blowing the whistle on police brutality.
Crystal had the guts to tell Baltimore officials what he’d seen on Oct. 27, 2011, when a handcuffed drug suspect was taken out of a police van to the home of an off-duty officer named Anthony Williams at Williams’ request.
Crystal later testified that Williams dragged the suspect, Antoine Green, into the back of the house where he began beating him
Do I support rioting ? No , However I do support justice.