Not sure what you're arguing - that everything is OK to be a factor in scores apart from race even though studies show that it is?
Simon in view of the most current research I think that IQ tests in general fail to measure intelligence fully. There are many other problems with the test besides cultural bias. Research now points to 3 separate components of intelligence and concludes that no single test can measure all 3.
Here is a link to the full article if anyone cares to read
- Single tests that measure intelligence quotient, or IQ, may become a thing of the past.
A new study of more than 100,000 participants suggests that there may be at least three distinct components of intelligence. So you could not give a single, unified score for all of them.
Researchers' understanding of the complexities of the human brain has evolved, and so too has the notion of IQ, what it really means, and how it is most accurately captured.
“There are multiple types of intelligence,” says researcher Adam Hampshire, PhD. He is a psychologist at the Brain and Mind Institute Natural Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. “It is time to move on to using a more comprehensive set of tests that can measure separate scores for each type of intelligence.