There is hope for you get Simon
As I said test was all in good fun
try it it is fun.
There is hope for you get Simon
As I said test was all in good fun
here are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Not sure what you're arguing - that everything is OK to be a factor in scores apart from race even though studies show that it is?
Simon in view of the most current research I think that IQ tests in general fail to measure intelligence fully. There are many other problems with the test besides cultural bias. Research now points to 3 separate components of intelligence and concludes that no single test can measure all 3.
Here is a link to the full article if anyone cares to read
- Single tests that measure intelligence quotient, or IQ, may become a thing of the past.
A new study of more than 100,000 participants suggests that there may be at least three distinct components of intelligence. So you could not give a single, unified score for all of them.
Researchers' understanding of the complexities of the human brain has evolved, and so too has the notion of IQ, what it really means, and how it is most accurately captured.
“There are multiple types of intelligence,” says researcher Adam Hampshire, PhD. He is a psychologist at the Brain and Mind Institute Natural Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. “It is time to move on to using a more comprehensive set of tests that can measure separate scores for each type of intelligence.
try it it is fun.
i think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
This was wrong. It was a violation o f decency and hospitality. This is another example how the polarized politics in this country is degrading is all.
Btw. I think Maxine Waters comment was idiotic.
here are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
No I fully accept that there are differences in the test results. I am presenting that the tests are culturally ethnocentric in their evaluation techniques and may not measure true intelligence.
Are you going to dispute that if I was raised in a poor uneducated family that spoke ebonics; educated in a poor school l system, that I might not understand the vocabulary used in a test? Are you going to say this will have no effect on my test scores?
here are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
No it is not. I was pointing out how cultural bias and prior learning, can unintentionally effect the test results. I do not think the test authors where trying to write racist questions. I am merely presenting other possibilities of why there is a difference in the scores between cultures.
Here is how the American Psychological Association describes how cultural bias can effect testing.
IQ, or intelligence quotient, tests may be culturally biased because they measure cognitive functions through Western standards without regard to the differing values and beliefs other cultures around the world use to measure intelligence. In the United States, for instance, intelligence is measured in terms of ability to engage in enlightened debate and understand categories.
While Western perceptions of intelligence rest in logic and categorization, Europeans measure intelligence through citizens' ability to perform their social roles and perceive actions and behaviors that contradict social norms. In the Asian nations, intelligence levels correlate with respect; people who show high levels of empathy and respect for other individuals, in Eastern traditions, have the highest level of intelligence
here are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Wait a minute. Who said anything about it being racist. I in fact said it was unintentional. In was pointing out reasons why IQ tests may not be accurate in assessing intelligence of other cultures. Characterizing what I posted as liberal ( especially with out reading my sources) is not adding anything to the argument. Why must everything discussed here be made political?
here are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
I am surprised that no one has pointed out how most IQ tests have built in bias . This is unintentional and is hard to negate. The tests often test not intellectual potential ,but what has already been learned. Take a look at what Prof. Martin Shapiro of Emory University, says.
According to other research, items which facilitate ranking and sorting are often items which, perhaps unintentionally, factor non-school learning and social background into the questions. Such items help create consistency in test results, but they often are based on the experiences of white middle-to-upper class children, who also typically have access to a stronger academic education.
For in depth information on this please read the following
i have noticed a paradigm shift on this site .
we used to be able to express opposing viewpoints without being subjected to name calling and censorship.
i wish we could return to how the board used to function.
I just want to understand something I am anything but an Obama supporter . However, I see no restrictions regarding anti Obama statements. Is it now the policy of this site to only except criticism of left wing politicians? I am a moderate Republican and would like to be able to criticize those on both sides of the aisle. Is this no longer allowed?
i have noticed a paradigm shift on this site .
we used to be able to express opposing viewpoints without being subjected to name calling and censorship.
i wish we could return to how the board used to function.
I have noticed a paradigm shift on this site . We used to be able to express opposing viewpoints without being subjected to name calling and censorship. I wish we could return to how the board used to function. I really enjoyed when the board more closely reflected the tenants espoused in it's mission statement. Friendly and tolerant being the operative words. I of course understand that this is Simon's board and he has the ultimate authority. I just wish it was more reflective of an earlier time ,when civil debate was encouraged.
We are not affiliated with the WTB&TS in any way and we take your privacy and security very seriously doing our utmost to protect your identity and provide a friendly, tolerant and informative environment where you can ask questions, share information and make new friends.