Suzuki Intruder 1500
Posts by fedup
by harleybear inokay i thought it would be fun to find out who of you all ride bikes and i don't mean bicycles.
we have 2 harley road kings.
what do you ride??
DC Ramblings: A non-comprehensive review of some lowlights
by sir82 inrecently attended the dc.
there have been mny threads already on this, but here are some random thoughts giving my take on what i saw & heard.... .
-- attendance was about the same as last year, averaging around 8000 per session.
If we use the WT principles in counting, can we overlap the 4 and 5 drinks rule we consume so we can S-T-R-E-T-C-H our binges?
Just asking
Sparlock - the aposta-superhero
by Lady Viola ini don't know about you, but i would love a sparlock t-shirt!!
any creative apostates who can make a digital drawing of the wizard??
:-d. .
thanks for cracking me up, the 300 pic with sparlock is hilarious
Flashbacks of a Fool with Daniel Craig
You know you're getting old
by beksbks inwhen you are in the grocery store, and they are playing the ramones "i wanna be sedated"!.
when you wake up in the morning and your fart lasts longer than your pee.
What could trigger a large proportion of JWs at once that this religion is a scam
by Mr Facts ini am just thinking if there could ever be anything that would raise consciousness in the minds of millions of jws that this a completely hoax.
what could spark millions of them at once, any thoughts?..
Remember the movie Shawshank Redemption, it showed that when you've been sentenced in prison for a long time and years have passed, you become institutionalized and a prisoner would rather commit suicide then receive freedom. Prisoners simply cannot live in the free real world, if they do and try, they undergo incredible withdrawal pains.
Unfortunetely, most witnesses are institutionalized and simply cannot bear the thought of leaving. They have put way too many years and effort into the WT way of life and cannot fathom the thought that the WT and themselves just may be wrong.
Realizing that they've been supporting a false concept and that the WT is simply a successful billion $$$ business with millions of volunteers distributing literature is OUT OF THE QUESTION. They'd rather commit suicide then realize WT is not backed by God.
Serving God in Spirit and Truth means to witnesses: OBEY whatever WT Corp says, even if it's exactly the opposite of what Jesus really taught.
Better to Love, Live Laugh amigos, because in 50 years most of us won't be here, it'll go by in a blink.
Thoughts on turning 65 today
by Terry intoday is my 65th birthday.. chances are you have no idea what that means.. would you like to know?
turning 65 can only be described using these two words:.
the first: anagnorisis the moment of critical discovery; the discovery of one's own identity or true character.
Terry, we share the same birthday, Jan 15, 1963 for me, I'm 49.
Happy 65th, wishing you all the best and many many more to come.
Keep writing, I enjoy your threads.
Governing Body Going After eBay
by Gary1914 inhello everyone.. i don't if this has been posted before.
if it has i apologize, but maybe my version will add to what is already known.. my brother is a district overseer.
the society sometimes places conferences calls to do's, co's and other overseers, especially when it is something that they do not want to put in writing.
I don't believe it's about the old light being revealed to the R & F.
I think it's more about anyone making money on their literature. ONLY they can make that money, everyone else has to stay humble and poor by pioneering and washing windows.
If the R & F start realizing the cash they can make on what they have accumulated in their lifetime, their eyes may open up to how lucrative the Society is and that it really is all about the CASH.
Remakes Of Songs
by minimus ini always loved al green's let's stay together!
still, tina turner's version is very different and i love that too.
crying, by roy orbison is great and so is k.d.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Elton John version better than The Beatles
WT Funny Slogans
by fedup ingenerations are forever.
good to the last flip-flop.
we love to see you cringe.
Generations Are Forever
Good to the last Flip-Flop
Have it Our Way
We Do It All for Us
We love to See You Cringe
Nothing outlasts the BS, It keeps going and going and going.
When the END absolutely, positively, has to be there overnight.
Mind Control is a terrible thing to Waste
Flip-Flop Fizz Fizz, Oh What a Belief it is.
The King of FearsAny more?...