Posts by fedup
When JW's say they are 'In the truth'...
by Ron.W. inwhere did this phrase 'in the truth' come from?.
it's been around as long as i can remember.
is it from the time they were promoting 'the truth shall make you free' book back in 1943?
Do children still get destroyed at Armageddon?
by Anony Mous ini know back in the day, that was taught, that if the parents were going to be destroyed, so would the children.
i just can't easily find reference to anything.
this thinking has been used to justify some egregious behavior towards children and their parents such as exclusion of children from jw family - why worry, the end is near, all will work itself out then - the end didn't come though.
JWs pray every day for 8 billion people to get destroyed, 99.9% of the population, so they can play with lions in paradise. God is LOVE
Everyone else burns new UK sitcom
by Mickey mouse ini'm looking forward to this, having watched a trailer i think ex-jws will enjoy it
Anyone watch the second season?
We Don’t Give Christmas Presents; We Give Presents To Each Other All Year Long!
by Sea Breeze inhow many of you dutifully told this lie to your friends as a kid?.
What are you guys talking about, I got sooooo many presents and GIFTS growing up:
- Military style haircuts every month - the little boy bethel look was a gift from God
- The joyous sound of the alarm clock at 8am every Saturday and Sunday morning so we can be in the field service from 10am to 12pm, Service was a gift from GOD - We were GOD's earthly REPS - (BIGLY GIFT)
- Every Monday evening after supper 7h30pm to 9pm, family study night. The WT study books were a gift from God. Super interesting reading materials.
-Every Tuesday evening for 1 hour (group study) 8pm to 9pm (GIFT), Every Thursday evening 7h30pm to 9h30pm (School and service meetings) GIFT. Every Sunday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm at the Kingdom Hall, (WT study and TALK) GIFT, Meetings were a incredible gift from God, so was the Kingdom Hall a gift we had to pay for. Another exciting part of this arrangement was that every year the schedule would change - you know, to make it more interesting and screw up our routine - made us flexible - GIFT.
-Twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall we had our special circuit assemblies for 2 days at a time. The talks and fellowship were Gifts from God. and the WT
- Once a year in the Summer for 3 or 4 days, depending if it was an International Convention or not, we spent our summer vacation on the road to attend a convention listening attentively to talks, speeches, presentaitons and of course, the DRAMA, on many gifted topics, my favorite, on how 8 billion people will be destroyed for us SPECIAL JWs to inherit the earth and play with lions in our newly gifted backyards. A HUGE Gift from the WT and God.
- Not having to spend money on Christmas gifts for friends and family - just donate the savings to kingdom hall work, great gift from and to GOD and the WT.
- And the most SPECIAL day fo the year - The Memorial - seeing the emblems go by and touching the sacred plate of crackers and glass of wine that no one can eat or drink from - of course, only the anointed can - Another incredible gift from God and the WT to have these future Judges and Kings in our midst.
AND the ULTIMATE GIFT - Eternal Life never to grow old and never to DIE - GIFTS, GIFTS and MORE GIFTS,
What more do you complainers want??? I see very ungrateful people here, so disappointing - WE RECEIVED SO MANY #$%##@ GIFTS, and THE GIFTS KEEP COMING!!!!
by Nancy1919 ini was once was told by an jw elder it was a rule not to gossip or swear as it could harm someone, but i guess the new light allows this.
it was bad enough when they were calling people worldly now i heard a jw gossiping about someone and it was mean.just another reason i would never go back.
The so-called "spiritual brotherhood of love" is nothing more than a front. The truth is, it's an organization built on judgment and gossip, something the Watchtower itself created. Their rules, procedures, and way of life are all about maintaining the appearance of being perfect—perfect people, perfect families, all to make it into the new system. What's asked of members is so unrealistic that it creates a culture where people are quick to point out anyone's weaknesses or mistakes, just so they can look like heroes in front of the congregation. Their preaching about being a loving brotherhood is, in reality, far from the truth and quite the opposite.
I need to vent sorry!
by KerryKing ini couldn't get back to sleep last night, something my father said a few weeks ago popped into my head.. we were talking about obtaining citizenship, he doesn't need it, but was contemplating what benefits it could get him now he's a pensioner.. background : i've been disfellowhipped for 15 years, i was born in, he is an elder, very much pimi, he was also born in.. i said to him how citizenship would be difficult for him as it would require him to swear allegiance to the state?.
oh he said, thats just a crowd of people together in a big room for the swearing in event, it would be easy to just mumble or say nothing, nobody would know.. this has quietly been eating away in my mind, why did it bother me?.
last night it hit me, when i was in my first year of school, age 5, i came out of school one day with a balloon with two little pencils attached, a gift from a classmate who's birthday it was, every child got one.
I can honestly say that many JW kids have similar experiences. The hypocrisy we grew up with really sticks with us as we get older. Our parents acted one way at home, then put on a "spiritual" face at meetings or in service. I have a ton of stories like this, especially when it comes to elders who expected perfection from us, but their families were given a pass. It's healthy to vent about it, but my advice is to let it go. The sooner you do, the better it will be for your peace of mind. Don't put your parents through the same guilt and pressure that they and the organization put on you. It's just not worth it.
Prepare to get Pelted by Symbolic Hailstones
by raymond frantz in
so david schafer a member of the teaching commitee and a helper to the governing body has come out yesterday with a new video that goes through the king of the north, the hailstones message and other things in the wake of the possibility of a ww3 and especially now that tensions are escalating with russia so he is making quite a few end time arguments and i will be expanding on those one by one but today let's see what he has about the hailstones message of the end(video) so this is the paragraph in question, paragraph 14 from article 20 of the watchtower 2020 study edition: "sometime after the start of the great tribulation, “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” will form a coalition of nations.
Vidiot.... That makes sense
Prepare to get Pelted by Symbolic Hailstones
by raymond frantz in
so david schafer a member of the teaching commitee and a helper to the governing body has come out yesterday with a new video that goes through the king of the north, the hailstones message and other things in the wake of the possibility of a ww3 and especially now that tensions are escalating with russia so he is making quite a few end time arguments and i will be expanding on those one by one but today let's see what he has about the hailstones message of the end(video) so this is the paragraph in question, paragraph 14 from article 20 of the watchtower 2020 study edition: "sometime after the start of the great tribulation, “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” will form a coalition of nations.
I wonder what the writer of the book of Revelation was smoking when he wrote this crap
The case from Denmark - setttled in The European Court
by AndersonsInfo inbeninu andersen.
i am not aware of how many of you are familiar with the danish case of a jehovah's witness who was hospitalized after a tragic accident where he fell several floors from a scaffolding where he was working.. the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit and was conscious (albeit somewhat confused) for the first three weeks.
My Blood Card
50 year anniversary
by Dromedar007 inremember 1975?
maybe when you were a kid - like i was?
i will celebrate 01.10.2025 the 50th anniversary of the "end of 6000 years of human history and the immediate end of the world".
I remember it clearly, I was not going to live passed my 12th birthday. At the time I was terrified that I was not going to survive the end of the world. The WT made everyone feel they were not worthy, nothing we can do would please them. What a shit childhood they offered us.
Now, I'll be celebating my 62nd birthday in January,
I don't understand the people that are still in and waiting, it's insane!