Iam ticked off. During the watchtower lesson about the genration change I feel that it should have been given at least an entire watchtower lesson to cover and not just 1 or 2 paragraphs. We have been taught one way for so long and then all of a sudden its changed but not thoroughly covered. It was so brief that I think it went over a loot of people's heads. I know this is old news to you guys, but a worldly cousin called me about it a little while ago and asked me about it because she is studying and she was surprised to hear about it,( she grew up around the truth but never got serious about it). The society did an injustice as they have in a lot of other areas, the ball was dropped.
Gripe #2: I am a shapely woman. Our loving congreational elders decided to have a marking talk about sisters wearing revealing clothes and how if they wont conform then they can be marked, because we are a modest people. I dont wear tight clothes, but because me figure is shapely (busty, small waist, nice hips, nice but) they must feel my clothes have to hang off me. I knew they were referring to me. I dare them, first of all Iam a single mom, always in service , at meetings, conventions, commenting, etc, etc. why harp on my clothes, as long as Iam not wearing tight, low cut clothes, sheesh.