glad you got out of that crappy reliogion and celebrate a special occasion
JoinedPosts by jdnumber7
Cheers to all of you who celebrated your first Christmas ever
by Newborn inlike myself.. i loved it.
can i fall any deeper into this wicked system???.
Lets have some last music thread...your absolute favorite!
by restrangled ini can't, once again, get our stereo to work... too many remotes, to many what i would like to hear tonight is your absolute favorite before this site closes.. any type of music...just what represents you!...and happy new year by the way!.
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Stupidest thing a JW ever told you
by Nosferatu inwhat is the stupidest thing a jw ever told you?
we all know that they say a lot of stupid things, but what really topped the cake?.
for me, it was an elder telling me i was progressing really well when my meeting attendance was down and my field service hours were slipping.
I am not mentioning any names but some years ago a friend of mine wanted to get a book from the library named "The Demon Vaccum cleaner." His dad who was a JW no surprise said he couldnt have it as it had the word demon in it. I was never a JW thank god but it pisses me off that al,l these childs lifes are spoilt by the shity lying thick ignorant self contradicting religion that are the Jehovahs Witnesses