Worst - Terry Armstrong. Total dick of a man with an overbearing, sanctimonious wife. Hugely entitled couple who clearly strived to make everyone feel shit and inadequate.
Best - Clive Pitman. And I'm only sayin that because they were all shite.
my fave was roy renouf - district overseer.
always had time for me and seemed to keep thigs real.. heard that on a zone vist he told the governing body the branch was told old and grumpy or something like that!.
worst was michael purbrick.
Worst - Terry Armstrong. Total dick of a man with an overbearing, sanctimonious wife. Hugely entitled couple who clearly strived to make everyone feel shit and inadequate.
Best - Clive Pitman. And I'm only sayin that because they were all shite.
i believe that the best way to inoculate any friend or relative of yours from becoming more deeply involved in the watchtower is exposure to recordings of the judicial process.. that goes for those already in the watchtower---if you can get them to listen.. what in your opinion are the best available online?.
i recommend several.
i am writing this off the cuff and do not have all the exact links, but you should find them easily.. anondud2 - on youtube.
The Matthew Barrie example is a good one as he recorded all of his talks with the elders before it became a judicial matter. Doing so reveals that the accusations against him were false and instead arose because of the bruised ego of the Presiding Overseer at the time.
He appealed his disfellowshipping for apostasy, however while the appeal committee made up of very prominent local elders couldn't find any evidence of apostasy, he was disfellowshipped for not answering their questions, or "failing to show honour to the glorious ones" as they put it.
A listener to these recordings in New Zealand transcribed the meetings, they're also available text format. If anyone wants the full mp3s of the recordings, send me a PM.
this thread is to formally address this subject.
this is for forum members and especially for lurkers (current witnesses reading this in secret).
please feel free to post any additional points.. there are a lot of changes happening in wt land.
what if the almighty gb announced that all shunning will cease, and next minute all the people who have shunned you start calling and texting saying "hi, we're baaaack, we can talk to you now!".
what would do you do, and how do you react?.
just got back from a cruise and dubs were walking around the boat faithfully wearing their jw.bore pins smdh.
than at cozumel i saw these lovely sisters.
The one on the left is a hottie.
i wasn't looking where i put my feet, and i almost took the cart out!
anyway, i stopped and chatted with the people for a bit.
three women and a man -- an elder and his wife.
Which of their beliefs, in particular, do you respect?
Personally, I have no respect for any of their beliefs, and by extension I do not respect them or their decision to peddle their religion and its beliefs, including its harsh shunning, in my city.
sorry for the caps but... this movie was incredibly amazing!
this film will probably win a lot of oscars.
more than an hour's worth of footage has been shot in 70mm so it is worth seeing it in imax.
It's ana amazing film.
does a female kingdom publisher need to wear a head covering if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher?.
in a questions from readers item published in the watchtower of july 15, 2002, it was stated that a sister should cover her head if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher, whether he is baptized or not.
further consideration of the matter suggests that a modification to this direction is appropriate.. if the male publisher who accompanies the sister while she conducts an established bible study is baptized, the sister would certainly want to wear a head covering.
Head coverings. Remind me, what century is this?
why else would he constantly bring up "gay-inspired" clothing when speaking to such large audiences?.
nothing wrong with being gay.
but he should just come out of the closet already and stop all this stupidity... just saying.. .
Interesting the number of comments on the LGBT site hinting they think he's a closet...Not that there's anything wrong with being gay.
i am sorry for the title but today just took the cake.
after not going to the meetings since august and trying to sort through this with my family, my wife today told me she wants to separate because of our differences over being a witness or not.. this is ridiculous.
so i said- how can you separate from me when the religion you whole heartedly believe says you can only separate for 3 reasons- abuse, willful non-support, or stopping her from her meeting attendance, etc.
Very sorry to hear this.