The questioning from the RC is brilliant. Calm, reasoned, deliberate, using JW appropriate language (asides from using the word "church") and the responses - and lack thereof - clearly illustrates the rock/hard place JW elders are put in.
Drag "Jehovah's name through the mud" (where "Jehovah's name" directly means the Watchtower Society) or do the morally/societally correct thing?
Well, if you protect your religious organisation, as any loyal member of the order would do, you put society at large at risk and open yourself up to prosecution. And bear in mind these guys are insured for $100 each.
Or you do what is ethically correct - report child abuse to those placed in the qualified position to investigate - and face exclusion and shunning.
I don't envy these - or any - elders.
I hope this case reaches the eyes and ears of the elders I used to serve with, that it causes them to pause, and if for no other reason than to protect themselves and their families, they wake up to what the Governing Body expects them to do.