I notice they're still doing the whole "quote a scripture and follow it up with a quote from our literature" trick to juxtapose "inspired" text with their made-up bullshit.
I'm writing this while being fully adorned with a beard.
2018-04-16-boebeards and special privilegeshttps://we.tl/qoxbkltp4latlantis!.
I notice they're still doing the whole "quote a scripture and follow it up with a quote from our literature" trick to juxtapose "inspired" text with their made-up bullshit.
I'm writing this while being fully adorned with a beard.
nicolas king frequently sings with the watchtower chorus and had a supporting role in the dvd released at the 2014 convention.
(he's on the bottom row, second from the right.).
but he also is a jazz singer, traveling constantly performing at concerts, casinos, charity events, even a brief appearance on the tonight show.
He's not gay, is he?
here's a conversation i just had with my relative a few minutes ago i'll let you decide.. relative : would you like to read your grandfather the days txt (she passes joe the phone).
joe : sure.
(then proceed to read it to my grandfather and explain it).. after discussing the points joe says to relative.. hey what's the story arnt they printing books any more.. relative : no they arnt necessary any more.. joe : really why is that.. relative : it's all on line.
As a new elder I was assigned to give a local needs talk on why computer print outs shouldn't be used during the meetings.
The congregation was deadly silent as I gave the talk and counsel as my father, at the time, used to compile Word documents with all of the references/citations for each TMS and Service meeting and mass email them to all the bros/sis.
Basically I was counselling my father not to do what is now the norm.
This was 2007/8.
I respect anyone's right to believe what they want. However, what they choose to believe is entirely at my discretion as to whether its worthy of my respect.
In terms of religious belief, I respect none. I'd have more respect for belief in an actual real boy named Jack and an actual real bean stalk.
In terms of the Jehovah's Witness belief structure, it can go fuck itself, as can they who believe it*.
jws very much believe that there is an absolute truth and of course, they are the only ones who have it lol.
how about now though do you still believe that absolute truths exist?
or is everything subjective?
I'm not sure it's absolutely true to say that there is absolute truth. Or even that there isn't absolute truth.
the old-timers here will know me and my journey from born-in jehovah's witness, pioneer and - latterly - elder.
i've also written a couple of updates over the last 2 years or so, covering how i went from the jws to a frantic need to hold onto the idea of an all-powerful abrahamic god to a sceptic to an atheist.. however, i wanted to cover a couple of things to expect when you leave the watchtower religion and its tentacle-like control over your life.. birthdays and xmas.
if you've got kids, do it.
The old-timers here will know me and my journey from born-in Jehovah's Witness, pioneer and - latterly - elder. I've also written a couple of updates over the last 2 years or so, covering how I went from the JWs to a frantic need to hold onto the idea of an all-powerful Abrahamic god to a sceptic to an atheist.
However, I wanted to cover a couple of things to expect when you leave the Watchtower religion and its tentacle-like control over your life.
Birthdays and Xmas
If you've got kids, do it. Embrace these worldly and commercial traditions for what they are; the chance to have fun, to celebrate and give gifts. The "pagan" element isn't anything to worry about. Research what "pagan" actually means and realise that it isn't anything to be scared of.
By the same token, expect to be a little uncomfortable about participating in these celebrations. That's ok. It's normal. We've all felt that way. It doesn't last long.
It's all bollocks and corrupt as fuck, but get informed, have opinions - even if they aren't popular. But don't expect people to see eye-to-eye with you, and be careful bringing up the subject in company. I made this mistake a few times and dropped a few clangers due to my immaturity.
And vote. It's your right. Encourage your children to have an interest in politics, encourage them to vote when they're old enough.
Be proactive. Join clubs, seek out new hobbies and interests and find people who share them. Meetup.com can be a good place to start.
I didn't do any of this when I left, and as a result I'm don't have a social circle as such. But then I have joint custody of my three children, so that takes up a lot of my time, and I'm fortunate in that my girlfriend's friends and family circle is huge and they've taken me in with open arms, and are fully aware of my background.
The temptation is to get involved in another church setting, which is what I did. Yes, it will provide a ready-made social life, but it will be absolutely formed around acceptance of certain doctrines and beliefs. Sound familiar?
Religion and Faith
Once a mind has been open it should remain open, in my opinion. Much as you eventually took nothing from the Governing Body's table at face value, do not accept any belief pattern, religious or philosophical idea at face value.
Research. Analyse and keep your mind open.
Don't be afraid of not 100% believing anything. That's absolutely fine. Few things in life are absolute, especially in the genre of religion and faith.
Do, however, believe in yourself.
You are much stronger mentally and emotionally than the average man/woman in the street. Massively so. Place huge amounts of faith in you, in what you've achieved by freeing yourself from mental slavery and having the courage to act on it.
Few people can wrap their brains or imaginations around what it's like to have been part of a controlling religious cult and escaped from it. It boggles most peoples' minds. That's because survivors are amazing people.
Just like you are.
Enjoy the flavours and aromas of mental freedom. You've earned it. Experiment. Get a tattoo.
I've been out since 2008 and few weeks go by when I don't savour what I accomplished.
i know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
Question - did you ask about the magic under pants? And if so, how do you go about getting a pair?
this was a famous case here in the uk, based around the experiences of matt barrie (aka hobo ken).
we've uploaded the audio recording of his judicial committee meeting with the glasgow bishopbriggs congregation elders and you can listen/download the (long) unedited file here:.
First judicial hearing is here (unedited so lots of stuff to fast forward to at the start)
Appeal hearing is here (again unedited):
i last updated you guys almost 2 years ago here.. i thought i'd post an update.. the peace i discovered having decided to let the angst, worry and fear over what to believe is as strong as ever, although i am keeping more abreast of what jw.org (formerly known as wtbts) is up to, and i never cease to be shocked and surprised.. as my last post mentioned, i split from the jw girl i married in 1993 and both of us have moved on with new partners that better fit who we are as grown adults, rather than the children we were 23 years ago.. my partner has no religious background whatsoever, although her children are being raised as catholics by their father.
hearing her kids openly doubt, question and even ridicule the religion is heartwarming and exactly the way it should be.. as for my children, they continue to be a never-ending stream of joy and pride.. my oldest son is now 16, having been only 8 years old when we left the watchtower.
he had big anxiety problems for a while afterwards, worrying about armageddon etc.
I last updated you guys almost 2 years ago here.
I thought I'd post an update.
The peace I discovered having decided to let the angst, worry and fear over what to believe is as strong as ever, although I am keeping more abreast of what JW.org (formerly known as WTBTS) is up to, and I never cease to be shocked and surprised.
As my last post mentioned, I split from the JW girl I married in 1993 and both of us have moved on with new partners that better fit who we are as grown adults, rather than the children we were 23 years ago.
My partner has no religious background whatsoever, although her children are being raised as Catholics by their father. Hearing her kids openly doubt, question and even ridicule the religion is heartwarming and exactly the way it should be.
As for my children, they continue to be a never-ending stream of joy and pride.
My oldest son is now 16, having been only 8 years old when we left the Watchtower. He had big anxiety problems for a while afterwards, worrying about Armageddon etc. That was very tough to deal with, but through time he left those fears behind, and I'm not sure I could meet a more calm, level-headed, open-minded and mature 16 year old. My girlfriend regularly comments on his wisdom beyond his years.
I can only shudder at what his life would be like - having the mind and outlook that he does - had he be confined by the harsh borders of JW life.
He's moving into his 5th year of high school later in the summer, and has absolutely no clue what he wants to do with is life, but he is certain he wants to travel and experience the world, an opportunity I'm all to happy to support him with.
My youngest son is now 7 and he never experienced the JW life, having been born almost a year after his parents left. Despite his mum and dad splitting up, he's an unbelievably joyful kid, a pure pleasure to be around. He recently told me that sometimes he feels like crying, and I was concerned and asked him more, only for him to explain that sometimes he feels so happy he could cry!
Unbelievable. How many of us "born ins" ever felt like that?
Again, another strong reward for the pain and sacrifice of cutting yourself free from JW mental slavery: the positive knock-on effect for your children.
At this point I'd say to any active JW who is worrying and doubting over what direction to take in life, if you have children, set them free by freeing yourself from the Watchtower.
Yes, it WILL be painful, but in the long run, the benefits afforded to you children are immeasurable.
A big worry, of course, is kids going off the rails if they no longer have the restrictions of the Watchtower.
To that I'd remind all parents that it's your responsibility to be examples for your kids, to coach them and guide them, and to love them unconditionally. You don't need any outside help with this, such as from a religion.
My 16 year old son was at a sleep-over party the other night. I had a quick chat with him about alcohol, telling him I didn't mind if he had a couple of drinks, but not to go mad. And he took that advice. But that's come off the back of loads of chats between us where I've openly admitted mistakes I've made. Again, this can be very hard to do in the JW world.
My 11 year old daughter is strong and confident and has a social life that I'm more than jealous of. But it's a social life devoid of the sniping and tell-taling that most of us "born ins" experienced.
On the health front, I'm a wee bit fucked. My heart disease reared its head again last December and I ended up in hospital over Christmas having survived a massive heart attack. This is hard to deal with at times. Genetics have played a massive part in it happening, but I've no doubt the stress and pain from 2008 to 2012 (when I finally made peace with religion and my upbringing) have played a huge part too.
I'm remaining positive that I'll get back to close to normal, but I'm realising it'll take lots of time.
So, for all my heart is a bit clogged up, my mind is still open and still at peace (in no small part to almost dying in a Glasgow hospital*).
I'm going to be keeping my eye on JW.org developments going forward, these are very interesting times for the cult.
*This is what it feels like: you're just going to sleep. It's very peaceful (until the doctors and nurses are shouting at you to "cough...cough! Stay with us". :-)
unbelievable paragraph in yesterday's watchtower was "encouraging" the sheep to not have kids.
most of their growth comes from the born ins and they are still on about not having kids?.
then it went on to "encourage" those that do have kids or grandkids not to spend to much time with them and instead to spend their time serving kingdom interests!.
Can someone post the full quoted paragraph please, or at least the reference?