Here's a conversation I just had with my relative a few minutes ago I'll let you decide.
Relative : Would you like to read your grandfather the days txt (she passes joe the phone)
Joe : Sure.(Then proceed to read it to my grandfather and explain it).
After discussing the points joe says to relative.
Hey what's the story arnt they printing books any more.
Relative : No they arnt necessary any more.
Joe : Really why is that.
Relative : it's all on line.
Joe : Boy that a big change from what I remember. I gave a bible reading once where I read it from a computer print out, and i very clearly remember been counsel from the Plat form not to do it.
Relative : no its never been like that.
Joe : Well it was Bro XYZ who gave me the counsel and it was from the Plat form, and i remember it quite clearly.
Relative : Well it's never been like that, and I'm sure Brother XYZ was only giving his personal opinion. I remember giving my father computer print outs of the scriptures when he gave talks.
Joe : yeah but he was in his 80s and had poor eye sight. But that's interesting. Thanks for explaining it.
And there you have it folks.