There was clarification on this in a letter to all elders. It stated that, while it is appropriate to contact those who are DFd DAd in our territory once a year, it is open to the BOE's discretion. For example, if a person was still engaging in the behavior that got them DFd in the first place then they would likely not visit that person as it was clear they weren't ready to make the changes necessary to come back to the org.
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Of the one's DF'd here, how many have been called on by the Elders?
by Fishbulb inwhen i left the organization one of the reasons i did so was because of the hypocrisy i saw within the congregation regarding sheepherding the weak.
people who were struggling to make meetings, ones who were house-ridden due to illness or depression, ones who don't keep a prominent position in the hall, these ones were all ignored.
i was one who never ever ever missed a meeting and in august i suddenly stopped going.
Spirit Directed Organization..How?
by Blueblades incorrect me if i'm not understanding this phrase, 'spirit directed organization'.. my understanding is that the watchtower has recently taught ( someone may remember the exact watchtower that this was taught ) that the anointed and every jehovah's witness has the same holy spirit, no more no less.. nothing special is directing the watchtower society when it comes to understanding the scriptures.
why then do they keep on using this phrase, that they are being directed by holy spirit and still use it when asking one of the baptism questions.. if they have no 'special knowledge', how is it that they write talks about being directed by holy spirit especially when it comes to distrct convention talks.. blueblades.
The continually condemn themselves with their own words, it is a house of cards, and it will fall. To state (and this article was one of the first I printed out to show my wife over a month ago) that the anointed don't claim to have more HS than anyone else, but then state the the FDS is spirit directed is a complete contradiction and is evidence enough to challenge them on their whole 1919 concept.
Why do most people not think?
by llbh ini have just had a long conversation with a dear friend, and we came to the same conclusion most people do not really think.. he is 75 and is fizzing with ideas, got a phd at 60. in fractals( no have little idea what they are).
for instance it was and is blindingly obvious to me that the price of oil would drop, it has a little.
the reasons are simple and i am prepared to discuuss that if you want.. i have observed in relationships recently, my own included, that we ignore the what is happening, and often to our, and our familie's long term benefit.
Thinking can and does cause paradigm shifts. That can and does mean change. And many people don't like change.
I think I've discovered a former Elder doing the "Fade"!!
by WingCommander inthought i'd post a positive experience for once....... there is the former elder in my congregation, nice guy.
raised in the jw's.
red flag #5. .
Seems like he's got it worked out. If he stepped down then faded, it may be either he's discouraged at not having the old prominence/perks/bolted on R&F respect or he stepped down because was awake. Fair play.
The new tract, to be distributed this fall, is called "Would You Like to Know the Truth" and will replace "Would You Like to Know More About the Bible?".
If the Watchtower Corporations shut down...who gets their assets?
by LovesDubs indoes it get divided amongst officers?
do they have shareholders?
where would their money go?
It would appear it is!
If the Watchtower Corporations shut down...who gets their assets?
by LovesDubs indoes it get divided amongst officers?
do they have shareholders?
where would their money go?
Is non-profit the same thing as not-for-profit?
Which Governing body member will die next?? Will things change?
by Witness 007 ini will review this post when it happens so.....prophecy time!
who will guess correct!
my $50 is on theodore jarc born in 1925?
Why do they grow so old? Top notch health care. The best food cooked for them daily. Oh, and never having to do a day's work in their lives.
Do the JW's really and truly believe that the end is near?
by TooBad TooSad inif the jw's really believe what the witchtower babble and trick society says about.
the end being so close, do their actions betray what they preach?
if you knew that your house.
A brother I know uses every opportunity to publicly speculate that armageddon is coming this year. Yet he talks privately about his savings accounts and how much money he has saved up for the future.
Letter to My Mother--FINAL!--After 2yrs3mos--Incomprehensibly Long...
by Confession in[2 john 9 11, nwt].
[john 14:6, nwt] .
[john 14:6, nwt] .
Fantastic, well done.