I think I've discovered a former Elder doing the "Fade"!!

by WingCommander 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WingCommander

    Thought I'd post a positive experience for once......

    There is the former elder in my congregation, nice guy. Raised in the JW's. He and his wife are in their late 40's. He sells insurance. (the irony, I know!) Anyway, I believe he has been fading the last few years. It all started at our old congregation, when it was announced that he was "deleted." My late father told me that this man had told him he was deleted due to health reasons. Now, my father knowing a little about organizational procedure, (Flock Book?) knew that health reasons were not a reason for "deletion." This was Red Flag #1, as he lied. This was around 1996 or so, which isn't long after the 1995 generational change. This guy has alergies, no doubt about it - severe, according to him. Thing is, he uses it as a constant excuse to miss the meetings. Red Flag #2. I hardly ever go to meetings (maybe twice a year) and it never fails that this guy is missing in action. He has taken zero steps to getting back to being an elder, or even a MS. Red Flag #3. I mean, it's like he doesn't care. His wife still shows up, and they've recently transfered to a Spanish speaking congregation so she can interpret. Red Flag #4. This means he can miss even more, and not be noticed. He's in my opinion, a total "fringe" JW, and I bet he doesn't barely make the minimum FS time at all. Years ago, if you asked him, the end was near. He never did anything. Last year, they took a looong vacation. They were going to build a home, etc. Red Flag #5.

    Now, if you speak to him, he still has the same monotonously trained Elder voice, drawing out Jehoovah Goood, etc. He never gives out an aura of NOT being a dyed in the wool JW, but as you can see from his actions above, he would appear to be a "Fader." I'd say he's nearly done, probably only making token appearances for the sake of his still-in wife, who has some kind of chronic neuralogical disorder. We'll see how much "loving help" she recieves from the brothers and sisters in the KH, it may just wake her up as well.

    Dude, if you are reading this (and it's entirely possible) PM me. I will not "out" you, as I've been out 10 years with no regrets. You're intelligent, and if you read on here I know you must be lonely. If you are doing fade, and have found Jah's and Christ's true message, then I salute you.


    Wing Commander

  • sir82

    Most congregations I've been a part of had at least 1 or 2 ex-elders who fit that description perfectly.

  • bluesbreaker59

    Yeah, lots of ex-elders do this after they "step down" or are "deleted"

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My grandmother would not allow my grandfather to fade. I'll betcha he would have like about 50 or more years ago if it wasn't for her ladder climbing ambitions. This is the only way a female can climb the ladder: on the back of her husband. She forced her ambition on him.

  • passwordprotected

    Seems like he's got it worked out. If he stepped down then faded, it may be either he's discouraged at not having the old prominence/perks/bolted on R&F respect or he stepped down because was awake. Fair play.

  • james_woods

    I hope for the best for your friend - i.e. that he really has reasoned out the falsehoods and has faded for right reasons.

    I had a friend who faded long before I did. But, his reasons were entirely personal...didn't feel he was being taken seriously, felt he was given menial jobs, conflict with super-elders, etc.

    Unfortunately, he eventually went back and is now as happy as a pig in a wallow.

    Hope this works out better for your guy,


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks for sharing this Wing Commander.

    Sounds like a positive role model to me.

    Also sounds like a few former elders in my Circuit.

    They're now known as "Scolios" after the Drama.


  • willyloman
    Yeah, lots of ex-elders do this after they "step down" or are "deleted"

    This thread reintroduces the common confusion about what it means for an elder to be "deleted." To clarify, there are not two different levels of no longer being an elder. When an elder "steps down" (or "aside" as the Society prefers to say), then he is taken off (deleted) from the list of elders that each congregation sends to the WT Society every six months for their records. Same is true if the elder is "asked" to step aside, which is more rare. If it's a serious situation, hes usually "told" not asked, and by the CO not the other elders.

    Anyway, that's all "deleted" means: You are no longer on the official list of congo elders.

  • ldrnomo

    I was an elder that was deleted because I disagreed with the blood issue. Said somthing about it and that was it met with all the elders and the CO they asked me a bunch of questions for several hours and then told me I was no longer an elder. That's all I needed to realize what an oppressive group I was in. Ordered C of C and showed my wife the book and within a month we were rapidly fading. It was easy, they got rid of me so now they don't bother me. It's great having our freedom.


  • flipper

    WING COMMANDER- I think it's great you are doing this trying to help this former elder. I hope you do get in touch with him. It must be pretty lonely for him. Peace out, Mr.Flipper

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