Black coffee.
Get someone to hit your back for approx 2-3 minutes a day it will break the flem in your chest up and help you breath better.
Dont sleep on your back, it triggers more asthma attacks during the night. Trust me I know:)
If you are having an attack the importatnt thing to always remember is to try to stay calm. The minute you panic, you lose control. Take as deep breaths as you can and have someone rub your back, this helps calm you.
Dust your house frequently, and avoid a lot of contact with cleaning supplies.
Get your allergies tested as most allergies in asthmatics will trigger attacks. Get tested for all foods, animals, and environmental things. If you react even a small bit to anything, don't take this lightly.
I have been a severe asthmatic my whole life. I've literally died twice. Not tryin to scare When I was a little girl, my skin reacted to things like potatos, carrots, nuts, foods I at the time wasn't really bothered by, but in time my allergies progressed to the point where I am now at 26 allergic to ALL and I mean ALL raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, soy, I cannot be around a raw potato something in the peel and the rawness of it trigger an attack within approx 5 minutes.
If you have ANY questions PM me, I have been through it all, and have some helpful suggestions.
Take care,