JoinedTopics Started by lostsheep82
Hierarchy of Organization
by lostsheep82 inhi, i'm looking for the article published in the 90s i think (i was a teenager) and it showed a diagram of the organizational hierarchy, at the top was jesus, then governing body all the way down to publishers it was in a pyramid style org chart.... can someone point me in the right direction?
additionally, does anyone remember the article or any articles that stated how bad it was that other religions had hierarchy like that?
i remember this being discussed at like a watchtower study or maybe it was a bookstudy.... i am on the hunt for another topic to discuss with my jw parents.
False prophets with other religions
by lostsheep82 ini remember when i was young an article we studied that stated something to the effect that, religions or other people have at times set dates or tried to set dates using chronology but that those were deemed false prophets.... can anyone point me to any or multiple articles or quotes that can help me in my fight with my parents?
i'm battling the 1914 generation change at the moment.
henrietta m riley
by lostsheep82 inok, there's been tons on this i know.
here's what i found and spent some time researching some of the companies.
in my search i found in 2014 boeing, lockheed martin & northrop grumman which supports the military.
I was HAPPY as a JW! How did I end up here? Pt 3
by MC RubberMallet incontinued from... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/239394/2/i-was-happy-as-a-jw-how-did-i-end-up-here-pt-2.
i mentioned how i was happy as a jw.
but that night, that very night after the conversation happened, there was a real feeling of relief.
"Millions Now Living Will Never Die"
by drewcoul ini understand that the judge's book "millions now living will never die" has undergone a slight of hand change of title to "millions now living may never die.".
where could i find the new title in print in any wt publication?
i do not have a wt library anymore, and would like to show my mom how they have changed the name of the book in their references to it..
So little has changed... an intriguing BBC documentary from the 80s/90s.
by cedars ini'd better limit my introductory remarks in case king solomon (our new resident expert on jws, even though he claims he was never actually an adult jw) finds some bone of contention with which to try and start a fight.. instead, i'll just post the video.
by lostsheep82 ini use to have a copy but lost it in a move, does anyone know where i can get a copy?.
Taking blood automatically disassociates you?
by lostsheep82 ini don't get how you are disassociated if you take blood, if you are unrepentant according to the elders manual on pg 111. now do they have this same elders manual in bulgaria?.
also if you join a nonnuetral organization you dissasociate yourself automatically.
so i wonder if some poor janitor brother with his own business became an ngo with the un if he would have been cast out!
Two Or More Witnesses Policy Still In Effect For Elders In Child Abuse Cases
by PublishingCult indespite its assurances to the media reporting on child sex abuse cases, the official wtbts policy on dealing with child molestation in the congregation has not actually changed.
the most recent direction given to congregation elders in dealing with child molestation allegations can be found in the 2010 revised edition of the secret for-elders'-eyes-only manual, shepherd the flock.
this direction is in direct violation of the law regarding how ministers are to handle allegations of child molestation.