A "Distinctive" Group |
Is original Christianity lost forever? By nomeans. There is one group today that de-serves special consideration. Jehovah’s Wit-nesses emulate the first Christians like no oth- |
er religious people. They are not linked to anyreligion in Christendom. TheEncyclopedia ofReligion describesthemas"distinctive,"be-cause they base all their beliefs on "the au-thority of the Bible, which entirely supplantstradition." |
Like the first Christians, Jehovah’s Wit-nesses do not take sides in political conflicts.A paper published by the National Acade-my of Sciences of Ukraine states that Jeho-vah’s Witnesses aim to overcome "racial, na-tional, religious, social, and economicaldifferences." The study explains that Jeho-vah’s Witnesses do not engage in "anti-state |
activity" and are "law-abiding citizens of theircountry."Professor Wojciech Modzelewski, from theWarsaw University in Poland, wrote in hisbook Pacifism andVicinity: "Jehovah’s Wit-nesses make up the largest community in theworld today that objects to wars." Because they closely follow the pattern of first-centuryChristians, it could be said that Jehovah’sWitnesses have successfully reinstated theform of worship that was established byChrist and his apostles. That is the kind ofChristianity that is indeed a force for peace.— |
My mom read this like it was her duty to warn me that the Society says they are the only true relgion. Bless her heart, but she feels that because of this article stating that they are the only true religion (more in the magazine it states that also). This whole thing makes me SICK:(