Food -n- Fireworks
JoinedPosts by LockedChaos
What's your 4th of July plans?
by Quirky1 ini'll be batchen it while the jw wifey goes to the dc.....
what is the one thing that made you want to NEVER go back???
by NINfan05 infor me it was when my elder dad put brusies on my arm, drug me down the hallway making me hit my head and broke my finger which resulted in surgery...and then he blamed it all on me!!!!
made me go to the meeting with my cast all druged up on pain killers and tell everyone that asked me what happened that it was an accident.
f***ing loser!!!!!
For Me
It was discovering after much
personal study
That NONE of it matters in the least little bit
Are You Paul or are you Saul?
by reniaa inthis was the same man at different times in his life yet he changed his name because he completely changed his ideals and goals too.
both were extremely zealous, both thought they were doing gods work, both thought they were working for the greater good.. acts 8:3 (new international version)3but saul began to destroy the church.
going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.. soul thought gods work was to destroy the christians but paul.... acts 20: 19i served the lord with great humility and with tears, although i was severely tested by the plots of the jews.
Sorry Reniaa............................
I'm like Murray
Just a guy waiting for his coffee
and pie while dreaming of the
brown haired girl English girl sitting
at the bar, engaged in endless chatter,
and with me wondering what she would
look like in the buff............................
<blink, blink>
Awake now
What was I saying????
What Was YOUR Worst Quality As A JW?
by minimus infor me it had to be that i was trained to be judgmental.
i'm naturally a person who doesn't believe everything someone says---just because they say it's true.
still, a "good elder" is supposed to be watchful of what might "contaminate" the congregation.. so, it's time to bare your soul.
Having Been Born-In
I had no clue as to how
Life REALLY worked!!
WT trained brain...............DUH
No taste in clothes either
Do you ever shed the Jw experience?
by AK - Jeff ini have been out for 5 years.
my wife and i left together.
she saw the sham long before i did - though neither of us could 'put our finger on' what was wrong until we read coc, found the internet, etc.. i believe my wife leans toward atheism more than i do - i consider myself agnostic of the whole matter at this point.
My wall of denial began to crumble
close to 2 years ago now..................
after leaving over 28 years prior
I learned mor about this religion stuff
this past year than in the prior 28 or
in the 25 I was "In"
Now is when the fun really begins.................
Mine Too!!
Wasn't married in
a KH Though..............
I had DA'd Myself
the Day Before!!
When you heard "apostate" who did you imagine?
by nbernat ini've always imagined a 60-year-old man with white hair who is really arrogant and grumpy with an evil look in his eyes, a very cold person who wanted to do nothing but ruin people's lives and was working for satan.
i never imagined i'd be one.... ...that or a 55-year-old woman with gray hair with glasses and a very rude look, and smarter-than-thou attitude.. you?.
The guy wearing the horse blinders
that was ranting and raving outside
of the assembly when I was a kid
Not a good example
Did people DONATE for the literature when you went out in service?
by BonaFide ini think i got a donation maybe once or twice here in the states.
most of the friends don't ask for a donation.
in south america, more people donated, but i think it's because it was phrased differently, we used to say, "you can give whatever you want for this magazine.
But that was 30 years ago
It was either a
dime or a quarter
It was worth paying
just to get us the
Hell off their porch!!
by whereami infor those whow believe god authored the bible , this info will make you question your faith.
very well done.. i would love to see how the wts would respond to this, especially after the new publication on the bible was just released at the convention.. maybe one of our inhouse scholars (narkissos/leolia) can back up this info.
Ohio Nana
I read the book awhile back
Strange what we never noticed before.................
The new book released at the Convention has a photo of the current GB members
by BonaFide ini will try to scan the photo tomorrow and put it on here.. i read some of the book today, it makes direct connections between the first century and jw's now.. for example:.
the book talks about the apostles and says, 'after jesus death, they took the lead, becoming the governing body of that time.".
congregations of that time - jw congregations today.
Governing Body Bobble Heads
Governing Body Dashboard Statuettes