For me it was when my elder dad put brusies on my arm, drug me down the hallway making me hit my head and broke my finger which resulted in surgery...and then he blamed it all on me!!!! Made me go to the meeting with my cast all druged up on pain killers and tell everyone that asked me what happened that it was an accident. F***ing LOSER!!!!!!
what is the one thing that made you want to NEVER go back???
by NINfan05 35 Replies latest jw friends
That's heavy, NINfan05. What a dickhead!!!
yes huge dickhead.
For me it was when the elders informed us that our childs molester had every right to be in the kingdom hall with his victim.
omg that is terrible. i cant even imagine how that would feel truthseeker. i am so sorry.
It was the day my dad said he wouldn't tolerate the cruel shunning I was receiving while we were all dealing with my mum's battle with cancer. He was all fired up to defend me so asked me to accompany him into a room to meet the PO about it. As soon as we got in there, he immediately switched, and I mean immediately fell in line with every crappy excuse the PO came up with, leaving me standing alone arguing with both of them.
A lot of the love and respect for my dad died that day and I can't get it back. That was the day I vowed I'd NEVER step through the doors of a Kingdom Hall again, not even for his funeral.
Let me see..... THEIR HYPOCRISY
The horror of putting my child through the same misery I had to go through.
When I came out of the closet, feeling ashamed about it( not anymore btw), the Elder called me perverse for having sex with a man.
Knowing that they donĀ“t have the trutht they claim they have. The extreme shunning from family and the hypocrisy of it all