I had a nice one !
I was approached about giving an experience on how I have been coping with depression and anxiety. I was seen as someone encouraging and that it would be good to relate my experience as many struggle with this condition.
I said sure !
I wrote down on a peice of paper that I have visited many many Dr's and that it took a while before I found the right Dr and the right medication. Went through about 5 different types of antidepressants till I found the one that helped me the most. I also started therapy session with a proffesional psychologist that specializes in a treatment called (CBT) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It had helped me control some of my negative and self-defeating thoughts and to think more realisticaly in terms of my condition which helped immensely ! I also wrote that changing my diet and excercising regularly elevated my mood and that I also needed to make sure I was getting quality sleep ! Another thing that helped was reading Depression based self-help books that explained a lot about the condition and ways in dealing with it.
When I met with the brother to go over my material there was a blank look on his face !
I think he wanted me to say something along the lines of prayer, study, attending the meetings, scriptures etc where what is supposed to help.
Well I was already "doing" all of this and it didn't help cope with my depression.
Seeking and accepting proffessional help is what was keeping me going....
It was priceless !!