Interesting post.
Another aspect of XJW behavior that is often overlooked is with regard to 'organizational' character. Despite its case in 'special pleading' that it reflects the character of Christ, the WTS like all large organizations is sociopathic in nature. No conscience, no feeling, no individuality, just a machine that grinds away focused on one objective. All of us to some degree or other were tainted by a negative inheritance from our 'mother' organization. That is why the victims of cult and high control religions often show a level of dysfunction that is quite alarming at times.
The WTS produces young people in its image by the tens of thousands and it is hardly surprising that many of these show a streak of amorality when they are clinically distanced from their victims by the Internet. Some of the most bitter and angry people I have seen on these boards over the years are not those whose youth and years were wasted by the decade as JW's, but young people in their early twenties who were never really JW's and were living double lives anyway, but feel cheated and want to hit out at soft targets. These people need professional help and I would suggest that these boards rather than helping them, actually add to their emotional issues.