thanks for the post --my wife recently left "running away to her lover" as it seems. I wonder what the suit and tie crew will say when i argue my case using your logic? Thanks for the reasearch -
JoinedPosts by hillbilly
Most JW women are adulterers
by Faraon in1 corinthians 11:3
but i would have you know, that the head of every man is christ; and the head
of the woman is the man
My Disfellowshipping
by silentlambs inmy disfellowshipping
as with anyone associated with jehovahs witnesses the worst possible news anyone can have is being df.
it means a loss of everyone and everything you have known all your life.
Brother Bill,
Outstanding, simply outstanding. Your picture is next to the definition of "courage of convictions" in my dictionary.
Next problem, Bro Bill may have started a "trend". This is going to be like the movie scene in which one soldier steps forward, and the rest of the company steps forward with him. I forsee many "candidates" for disfellowshiping "hijacking" the meeting, taking the high ground, a tactic that will surely upset the elders and cause many observers to look inward.
Bill, I consider you a great American and WORLD CITIZEN. God bless you and your family in this ritgheous and holy cause.
NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by silentlambs inwe are going to have an extensive article in the new york times this sunday.
there is an early addition that comes out in most cities around on saturday.
i encourage one and all to get your copy and do not miss the important piece of history.
i live in the middle of nowhere--will this copy run online? does the NYTimes publish an electronic version... will this article hit the 'wire' and be carried in other papers---very exciting!
i like playing offence---hillbilly
Radio Program on DFing at 11AM today
by jschwehm injust a reminder.
i will be interviewed on a radio program based out of st. louis, mo at 11am central time about the jws' dfing and shunning policies.
it is a call in show.
i didnt hear the st louis show--but if it got some "numbers" in the st louis market the witness topic should catch on in other radio markets.... talk radio is a really good way to reach a diverse deomographic area and JW scandals like pedo-df-shunning hit a hot button with producers....i know its cold but sex sells... so do human rights and human rights, plus the fact that John Q Public generally dislikes the witnesses---blockbuster...
dont be shy about calling in to your favorite station and bringing up the topic---WLS chicago, KMXO st louis WOR NYC, plus the syncdicated shows are always looking for these markets have high numbers of JW's
just some thoughts---hillbilly
I Interviewed J. R. Brown
by mikepence insee for a sneak preview.edited by - mikepence on 7 august 2002 16:2:52.
Way to go Mike---cool--but i got to there enough soap on the planet to get the smell off...that's got to be like talking to Charlie Manson or Hanibal Lecter or something.... KUDOS--they are "touchable"
What do you enjoy doing with your spare time?
by Celtic in.
i know i've posted a question similar to this before, but what with all the newcomers here, i thought no harm to ask the question again.. what do you enjoy doing with your spare time and why?.
celtic mark - cornwall uk
1) Hanging out with Celtic in chat--I don't always understand him but I dig him!
2) Flirting with the girls in chat--Don't worry I'm a harmless old geezer!
3) Mowing pastures on my N Series Ford Tractor
4) Working with my horses and my neigbors horses.
5) Pestering onacruse in chat
6) Writing posts in response to Fraocois without the aid of spell check or a good proof-reading
7) Resting up to try hard at the things I do in my non-spare time
8) Reading non- fiction books
9) Eating foods in excess of basic nutritional needs
10)Flirting with girls in chat who think I"m not an old geezerOther than that I'm pretty busy with managing my vast empire and holdings.
Later-keep on rockin in the free world*--HB
* Neil Young
How 'Bout A Class Action Against Them...
by Francois infailure to report a crime?.
accessory after the fact to rape,.
to child endangerment?.
Sorry Francois--i re read the post and apologize--I usually spell check a little beter... I write for a living (part time) and one of my lifes luxuries is posting on boards without a proofread.
what is your scent????
by sunshineToo ini know there has been a anti-perfume thread.
but does anyone use light or moderate amount of perfume or aftershave?
if you do, what is your scent?
horses#%&.. but i do clean up Okie dokie--I like a little scent on ladies but nothing overpowering....the best scent is nice clean skin....
How 'Bout A Class Action Against Them...
by Francois infailure to report a crime?.
accessory after the fact to rape,.
to child endangerment?.
Francois- I was thinking more in terms of finding several test case around the USA... I'm sure that proscecuting several individual elders or BOE's would be effective for the following reasons...
Individual cases would spread the media coverage to multiple markets
Eggs in one basket threory... Class action suits take a long time to settle and if you loose -- Finding several good individual suite increasing the odds of getting a winner...Class action suits seem to loose media attention as they drag on too.
Quality of defence--The WT has the 'guns' to fight one or two 'big' cases... Spreading the cases out against individuals whould keep the WT off balance...They would have to select the cases that have the highest profile and greatest chance to settle out of court or win outright in trial.
The lower profile cases--in my opinion Brooklyn will leave those elders and BOE's twisting in the wind---further demoralization of the R&F would be highly possible.
Remember the NAACP--Brown V Kansas was selected as their battle ground for a reason... they sued several boards locally but they felt Brown was the one to take to the top, so to speak. Using some good stratagy the NAACP got what they wanted, a high profile case that they could win.
We are really just another 'civil action' out there in 'Ceasaers' eyes...At best maybe we can get some legislation that requires abuse reporting in all 50 states and a requirment for all religous councilors to carry malpractice insurnace.. Seems like we should be able to get some help from the ACLU or somebody as many of these cases have a ring of human rights abuses,many of the cased pending seem to have a racketering angle against the WT.
WE have just let Pandora out of the box...let the festivities commence!
Lessons I've learned...
by WildTurkey inlets post lessons we have learned:.
i've learned that no matter how much i care, some people are just assholes.. .
i've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it..
among the things that I've learned:
NEVER sign your mind over to anyone as a "blank check".
Forgive and forget limits your insanity...
God really does not let us bear more than we can carry.
Holding a grudge lets the "grudgee" win--The best revenge is living well
Trust is earned ... never be suspicious in a phobic sense but never take everything at face value either...especially if things seem too good to be true.
Be careful of people that want to "help" you, this may sound a little paranoid, but folks with the 'answers' usually have some kind of agenda...make sure that agenda fits your needs too.
Don't let anyone take you past your comfort level....feel things out and go for it if it feels right.
The "Joneses" wont pay your bills...screw keeping up with them...
Always and never are to powerful words..use them sparingly.
You can usually get more stuff , people are hard to came by.Yes means yes and No means NO--the problem is learning to say NO's easy N-O.... NO will keep you in the shallow end of the pool till your ready....
If you buy cattle at .75 the market will drop to .60 as soon as you fill the feed bins....
The horse you just "stole" at the auction--the drugs always wear off on the trailer ride home...
We need sombody but try not to be "needy"
Mean people suk...
Well these are some of the things that I've learned.....a little hillbilly logic.