If I am not mistaken it is a form of Adhoc reasoning, or circular reasoning. Using what you are trying to prove to prove it. The society uses many false methods to prove something, and it works with the uneducated, whey do you think that they hate college so much?
JoinedPosts by dogon2
Jesus mentioned it so it MUST be true... ?
by LtCmd.Lore insomething i don't get... when discussing the accuracy of the flood myth, and the story of jonah, bible believers, dubs for example, will claim that it must be true because jesus mentioned it.. here's what i don't get: isn't it possible that jesus was simply refferencing a fictional event that everyone around him would be familiar with?.
i do it all the time!
with my family i will make reference to events in star trek, mash, or whatever as if they actually occurred.. like: "hey i just met someone at work, he was just like frank burns.".
Is Genesis account just a myth?
by AK - Jeff inthere are many stories that make we wonder if anything akin to solid reasoning can prop up the bible's accounts of early life on earth.
but perhaps this scripture is a key:.
"these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the lord god made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the lord god had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
Talking snakes,floods world wide with all animals on a boat,salt water fish and fresh water fish mixed with world wide flood with no death to either.
Dinosaurs created but not disclosed to us, for what ever reason then destroyed. woman created out of spar ribs KC style, Yep it really happend that way, If you buy that, I own a slightly used bridge that crosses from lower michigan to the up. I will sell it to you for a bargin price. Just email me and I will give you an address to send the funds.
by thebigdebate ini have heard from my father (who is an elder about 50 years old) that there is a great seperating work going on within the org.
he said that almost all of the people my age 25 to 35 have quit going to our hall (about 20 people).
i have not been to a meeting in about 1 year.
I hope that as the internet just gets more available to the masses, that people start to crytical think for themselfs. I argue or used to argue with christians here in the south, they have some of the dumbest beliefs, Like Oil is being created as we use it, the earth was completely created in 7 24 hours days 6000 years ago, blablablabla. I gave it up, you can not help those who want to drink the kool-aid.
I hope that people will start to drop away, the problem is or used to be as soon as you educated one some young dumb and full of you know what took their place. All gung ho ready to spread this new revelation that they just heard.
"Should the Name Jehovah Appear in the New Testament?" WT Aug 1st 2008
by slimboyfat inhas this new article in the wt been discussed here yet?
if so i missed it.
anyway here are some selected quotes with my own thoughts.. bible scholars acknowledge that god's personal name appears in the old testament, or hebrew scriptures.
What I do not understand, is it was not removed out of the old testiment, but it got removed out of the new? Does this make sence to anyone else?
Smaller congregations are better?
by NotaNess ini keep hearing this from the dubs at work.
have heard complaints about being in bigger congregations.
all i can think at those moments is... "do they even realize they are complaining about "jehovah's" arrangements"?
I agree, 0 would be my goal.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses LOVE their enemies?
by Terry injesus' message differs from every other religious leader of his day in that he encouraged his followers to love their enemy.. are jw's encouraged to love their enemies?.
they aren't allowed to even pray for disfellowshipped former brethern although they are stray sheep.
you'll recall jesus said that a fine shepherd would even leave the 99 sheep to go after and return with the "stray".. how do jw's love their enemies?.
They love them like the nazi's loved the jew's kind of this is for your own good type of love. LOL
New tract!
by sovereign inanybody who has seen or have a scanned copy of the new tract, which is about to replace the "bible tract"?
I totaly agree, same old crap in a different package.
Nothing new under the sun at least as far as Dubbers go.
I have no use for these idiots, the best reveng on a JW is to live your life with out them.
You will be happier and better of if you just live with out thinking about them.