JoinedPosts by elder-schmelder
by sarahkate innew to the forum, just wanted to say hi, will tell my brief story sometime, happy at the moment just getting to know you all!!!!.
sarahkate xx.
John 1:1
by Ding inmost the nwt translates john 1:1 as "... and the word was a god," not "...and the word was god.".
the reason they give is that the word theos doesn't have the definite article in front of it in the greek.. in his 1982 book, "the jehovah's witness' new testament," greek scholar robert countess looked up all such occurrences in the nt (theos without the definite article) and checked the nwt.. he discovered that the wts only followed their stated rule 6% of the time.. 94% of the time, they translated it "god" anyway!.
I agree zombie dub !!
John 1:1
by Ding inmost the nwt translates john 1:1 as "... and the word was a god," not "...and the word was god.".
the reason they give is that the word theos doesn't have the definite article in front of it in the greek.. in his 1982 book, "the jehovah's witness' new testament," greek scholar robert countess looked up all such occurrences in the nt (theos without the definite article) and checked the nwt.. he discovered that the wts only followed their stated rule 6% of the time.. 94% of the time, they translated it "god" anyway!.
Why is it that when I hear the John 1:1 debate, all it does is help me realize that the bible is not from God?
If god was going to give us a instruction book, would he not make it clear to ALL of us?
by elder-schmelder ini want someone to clarify this teaching:.
1) adam and eve sinned.. 2) we all are born as sinners because we are born from adam and eve.. 3) jesus was born non sinner, because his mother was a virgin.. .
so does penis and vagina = sin, or does being born from a sinner = sin?.
I want someone to clarify this teaching:
1) Adam and Eve sinned.
2) We all are born as sinners because we are born from Adam and Eve.
3) Jesus was born NON sinner, because his mother was a virgin.
So does penis and vagina = sin, or does being born from a sinner = sin?
Was Mary born a sinner, or not until she had sex after Jesus was born?
New Believers, Studying.
by cupcakekourtney88 inhey y'all!
my name is kourtney and i am new to this form and jehovah witnesses.
right now i am studying the book "what does the bible really teach".
I would recomend a good bible study.
1) Study - who wrote it.
2) Study - when was it written (are these 1st hand stories, or ones that have been passed down)?
3) Study - how it got to us (has it been edited)?
4) Study - the missing books of the bible (why are they not included)?
5) Study - who decided what books are in, and what books are out?
6) Study - are their contradictions in the bible?
Dont just accept the watchtowers explanition of these. Read and study every book that you can get, and make your own conclusions.
my brother and I in vegas.
So here I am!
by jwmanager inhello to everyone!
i guess the easiest way to introduce myself is by letting you know i'm headisspinning's husband.
it might take a little bit for me to open up, but i enjoy reading the posts and responses on here.
Elders & Bankruptcy
by krismalone ini found an interesting post about an elder who has a warrant for his arrest & filed for bankruptcy & owes over 30 creditors money.. what is the society's stand on that matter?.
The new elders book talks about this.
What will the excuse be?!?
by brotherdan inso we've all heard the ramblings of obves and larsinger about the coming end of the world this year or next.
i want to know what you think the exuses will be when they do not come.. harold camping is the one proclaiming may 21, 2011 as the time of the rapture and october 21, 2011 as the end of the world.
when no one disappears on may 21st, what do you think his excuse will be?
I think that he should comment right now and let us know.