JoinedTopics Started by elder-schmelder
Makes me sad :(
by elder-schmelder inwhat do you think of this picture?
a friend of mine posted this on her facebook page.
she is not a jw and has never been one.
Jan 15th 2014 WT - Generation
by elder-schmelder inis there a thread already talking about this new issue?
i am looking for everyone's thoughts on the "generation", and if there is anything new with this understaning.. .
by elder-schmelder ini was watching jeopardy yesterday, and the answer was "revised new world translation".
the question was "what is the most accurate bible, even more accurate then the one that fred franz and his friends wrote?".
by elder-schmelder ingen 6:7. so jehovah said: i am going to wipe men whom i have created off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens, because i do regret that i have made them.
8 but noah found favor in the eyes of jehovah.. .
does he still regret making us, or did he change his mind and now he is happy?.
Jehovah vs Jesus
by elder-schmelder injehovah's witnesses always get mad when someone say's that they are not a christian.. then they hurry up and show the watchtower with jesus in it and say that they are too christians.. .
but here is the problem:.
matt 6:24 - "you can't serve 2 masters".
A friend of mine needs votes
by elder-schmelder inhttp://www.facebook.com/#!/esdenvercchotel.
vote for robin & jeremiah.
Jess Black - Artist
by elder-schmelder in.
i just bought this painting by jess black - i love it.. .
i gave it as a gift to my wife for christmas.. .
School Shooting - God
by elder-schmelder ingod = loving.
god = all powerfull.
god didn't stop this from happing?.
My wife and I bought a bar !!
by elder-schmelder ini think that we are a little crazy but we bought a bar in wisconsin last week.
here is a picture of my wife behind the bar.. .
i still work for my jw family, but my wife is going to run the bar.. .
by elder-schmelder inlev 19:29 .
29 do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, in order that the land may not commit prostitution and the land actually be filled with loose morals.. .
gen 19:6-8. .