I attend a smaller cong.. about 75 pubs and EVERY month there is no less than $1500.00 - %1700.00 going to that arrangement - I don't know where it is coming from, half cong is older, maybe three have money, I don't give for past two years, then on top of that is another cash payment for whatever of about $700.00 per month- and that from one rural congregation.. what are they getting for larger, more affluent congregations ( knowing that many in poorer countries give what they can) They are raking it in every month perpetually. I think they are combining congregations into one building but keeping them separate to still obtain the monies each congregation was giving per month, otherwise, they would be assimilated and costs shared? I doubt it." contributions" amounts would still stay the same while the other hall sold off for profits--plus they have to keep up the congregation numbers on the annual report - if it is there this year.. just so pubs can say, The work is growing so fast! Seriously? Its an Amway company.
JoinedPosts by truthlover
Mo Money ... $$$
by loneranger inthe money grab continues!!
at a very recent circuit assembly (usa), the accounts overseer gave the typical accounts report for the ca in the early afternoon.
there were 2100 people at the assembly.
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Mo Money ... $$$
by loneranger inthe money grab continues!!
at a very recent circuit assembly (usa), the accounts overseer gave the typical accounts report for the ca in the early afternoon.
there were 2100 people at the assembly.
Don't forget, all halls are under a perpetual giving arrangement started a few years back.. no more mortgages, the blessing we all have to pay now is one donation per month as written on a note and given to elders that bind us forever to give that specific amount every month to the World Wide work including the renos and building of new halls!!! (which are being sold and congs being combined)
And now they are adding to the CA's for more to do the same thing. We also carry the co's expenses per hall visit and pay for their car insurance, apt renos or apt add-ons to the existing halls (last big one was $250,000! while still paying the perpetual monthly donation per hall... )
The final sentence on the form letter from the society was, Jehovah will bless ......
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WEIRD. . . Dick Gregory talks about the "killing" of PRINCE
by Terry inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itjo7voxe8w
Prince killed Prince - or the doctors killed Prince - there are terrible stories of opiods being given in all North America - in Canada its the same story -- the doctors give them for post surgical procedures, anxiety, depression and guess what - they can hook you within two weeks... then the body wants more over time and you gradually increase and increase and by that time you are really hooked, the so called dink who prescribed them washes his hands of you and kicks you out to find another doctor,(YOU CAN'T FIND ONE , DOCTOR SHORTAGE-THAT MEANS A CLINIC) who then knows you are on the hard stuff and MAYBE are doctor SHOPPING - you get a flag, a name with al doctors in your area and no one - no doctor will give you what they poisoned you with years ago. Your on your own - and then , maybe get a chance to get to a pain clinic to control the pain because the body is screaming for a fix but no, don't get one, just learn how to not only manage the pain you originally had, but now you are battling withdrawal and anxiety, maybe heart palpatations, sweats, and still the gnawing pain you have been dealing with especially if the surgeon f'd you up so as to need the opiods in the first place. NEW STANDARDS OF CONTROL TO BE SET AND MORE PAIN CLNICS NEED TO BE SET UP - TAKES AT LEAST 2 YEARS TO GET INTO ONE IN THIS AREA. AND DON'T LET DOCTORS BE TAUGHT IN THEIR MED SCHOOL THAT OXYCOTIN IS GOOD FOR THE PATIENT - ITS A PHARM MARKETING TOOL TOLD BY THEM TO FORCE DOCTORS TO USE IT!!! AND THEY OF COURSE REAP THE BENEFITS---
The Big House Forced Exodus
by ttdtt inlong video i guess addressing the many hard feelings of people getting the axe at brooklyn and other facilities.. the gist is - thanks for your help, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
or scripturally saying - "keep warm and well fed"p.s.
they are admitting that the are letting older ones go.. http://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbrd_201605_5_video.
Been going on for past two years, its now that they are owing up to it, and giving all the credit to Jehovah!!!
How blessed they are, especially the 50 and 60 year olds who have given their lives to the organization - what a helping hand up and out the door
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Prince's will
by wannaexit inis it possible that watchtower is in possession of prince's will and the legal department is waiting for the until things settle down to produce it?.
Judge ordered a sample of his blood for DNA purposes in case some of this "kids" may come forward if there are any claims as such
Please I have a question about GNLD INT'L COMPANY
by COLLINS inplease i want to read about experiences of those in this forum regarding those who have worked with golden neo life international company (gnld).
i was searching for job and a man saw me and asked me whether i can do a job that would take me from two years to five years.
so i said yes to him; and he took me to a company called gnld.
Pyramid, AMway, all in line with the way the JW org does it... get more and more people to sign up ( baptized) to spread the word about the productLink +1 / -0 -
Hearts going out to those in the Fort Mac area
by Dagney ina few posters on here live in fort mcmurray, canada where there is a devastating fire.
one at least has lost her home and beloved dog.
thinking of you all.
The fire starts its own windstorms and lightening, it jumped a 1.5 mile wide river and began burning that section.
Theory is that it stated at the end of town in a house, not confirmed
Hearts going out to those in the Fort Mac area
by Dagney ina few posters on here live in fort mcmurray, canada where there is a devastating fire.
one at least has lost her home and beloved dog.
thinking of you all.
People are so generous, gas and food along the outbound were free, Edmonton and surrounding areas were up and running for those without somewhere to go, animals were being boarded free, No fatalities, just a burnt out war zone looking area..... lots of grief but glad they got out, the fires raged around them, the water bombers kept sides of roads clear as they could while RCMP checked those homes still standing - one man had no way out, no cell phone so they rescued him and another home had 5 family members in it, they were taken out.. Convoys of buses are on going.. This fire is jumping into Saskatchewan and BC as well -- maybe some rain but they need a week of it and that is no where in sight. Officials are all working together and seems things are working smoothly = although it will take years to rebuild...$44 M donated by public so far, will be marched by prov and federal govts to start..... -
New K.Hall Design, Mansfield
by BluesBrother innot mansfield u k , but mansfield in u s a - it doesn't look much, does it?
in fact even the uber dubs on j w talk are not impressed (that must be a first!
this thread of theirs is publicly readable:.
Community school, Health Clinic, you name it, very appealing for resale after the pubs pay for it
So... Are they done printing the number of partakers?
by thedepressedsoul induring the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
Stats claim one in three have emotional and mental illness in the "world" so taking that into consideration that means of the 15,400 or so, about 5,000 of the so called anointed are mentally unstable plus since there are 7 GB2 take your pick 1 or 2 maybe of them is as well.
Also did anyone note that there are some doing private bible studies?? Remember the 80's cleanout??
They did not say it directly but just the hint means something is going on....
and really, who wants to know the names of the anointed? I Don't - I hated the picture of the people trying to get shots and touching the so called GB member... What a crazy reasoning. there were a few more issues but those are enough for now