Why cant I print this off? I copy the article, then post it to my Word pad and hit paste and it wont appear properly -- only on half the page all the way down - is there a lock on the info?
Pls advise
comments you will not hear at the 10-12-08 wt study - august 15, 2008, pages 7-11 (maintain loyalty).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Why cant I print this off? I copy the article, then post it to my Word pad and hit paste and it wont appear properly -- only on half the page all the way down - is there a lock on the info?
Pls advise
this video looks really scarry to me.
i don't know how true it is or how dangerous it may be.
maybe this is all propaganda.
only taking the needle and then there is no guarantee -- only hope that the virus is one they have matched in the vaccine
also taking the pneumonia vaccine, anyone have this previously??
i just read on an apostate site that the december km contains the details of the lowered hours for pioneers.
can anyone confirm this?
unless its changed the info is supposed to be made available before the release of the new October tract
there is talk of closing the markets globally and other talk of setting up a one world bank - only a few hold outs with that one.
sw. berlusconi says leaders may close world's markets (update1) .
As a newbie, I would think that one world bank leads into one world government, this is the mantra of the UN for quite some time, along with some of the US Presidents mentioning it many times in any given talk.... and seeing that the Un represents mostly nations who do not hold to democracy, if anyone thinks they have a hard life now, think of what will happen under a one ruled UN representation -- who do u think you would go to for medical, for example - someone in Switzerland and how long would it take to reach you...there is a lot more to this newspaper report - its all behind the scenes and this one world or new world order has been talked about by Iluminati and Masons and those who tend to keep heavy secrets for hundreds of years... this is not new but seems to be an outworking of plans laid long ago
so i have posted on here about my conversations with my family.
i toned it down a little when they got really upset, so many on this board told me to be careful.
but yesterday my sister called me.
So sorry that she cant see what your confusion is about - the child molester in the congregation - does she have children - ask her if she would like them to go with this molester-so called... mention that Jehovah is the one she should be worried about - He will reduce that sicko to dust--she should be marking that person anyway-- seems she is putting all the blame on you --- put some back on her in a loving way and get her mind working.. and if the gate is locked, call your mom , keep it loving , talk about some things, and tell her from your heart of your suspicions, or send a letter, dont let your sister control your other relatives... some one has to be sane
Sorry for all your trials, be strong and you may have to start your own life, have your own family and let them see you can handle things -
remember when we were blinded in our self righteousness.
you haven't changed.. bts.
I am a newbie - only posted 6 so far but have been watching the forum for some time
You noted that there are so many leaving the "truth" - how do you know, is is just from this board or are you a "connected" one?? I for my part in our little community hear a lot of talk from those in and there is a lot of discouragement and frustration and the same old "want to leave, but cant" - same situation with me, needless to say, our talk is behind closed doors due to being labeled..
I saw somewhere there were thousands of posters here... over the years I estimate, using WTBS numbers from the annual reports that upwards of 3 million have left, I could be wrong --- and if there are still those in who are counted as either inactive or minimal pubs who really dont have the heart for it anymore, the numbers the WTBTS is publishing for their worldwode numbers would be way out of whack
Just a thought
what i gathered was the fed's release banks from having to hold on to the current minimum cash requirements, which allows them to loan out more cash reserves.. from: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20218020/.
one of the broadest tools the fed can apply to the supply of money in the system is raising or lowering the amount of reserves that banks are required to hold in their accounts.
raising reserves means banks have to hold onto more money, which tends to tighten credit.
Has anymone thought about other countries buying into the North American industries?? Iran buys and sells oil in american dollars and is loaded with it..same goes for the OPEC nations, what a way to take over without a war??
Just a thought, as the regulators are not worth a pinch
i believe that very few witnesses leave the organization when they just "know" things aren't right.
it's too much for most people to deal with.
they need time to assimilate what they're taking in.
I guess I am one of those who pick and choose what they want and dont tell anybody..in this case, the truth cannot set you free! mostly because as a JW, our outside friends are non existent, the "friends" are few , especially when there is an illness or need, but yet there are those who will assist in times of trouble and without them, there is no one-- so I am backed in a corner, yet fully have faith in Jehovah and Jesus without the mind bending of the society..
I refer to the Bible as my guide and when a article place the FDS above Jesus in being our mediator, I totally disagree - along with other examples...
This begs the question, how many on this board still have Jehovah as their God, I do see a lot who put Him down and wonder did the society do this or did they always feel that way?
I'm kinda new at this, thanks
Hi I'm new to the forum but re Noah's Ark - they were on that boat for a year - the 40 days was for the rain - they floated around in the boat for a year - think of the waste that would produce to shovel and possible the yeast would be a by product of the grains that had to be brought on board to feed the animals and make bread with..... no wonder there was a window/windows at the top of the ark - the heat ffrom the manures, etc and smell would not be very pleasant and as we know, heat rises and with that the smell, a recreation of the ark has been completed and is a tourist attraction now - although its a lot shorter than the original measurments
our do was over for dinner last night and he said that the wts is gonna stop leasing cars to the do and cos and is gonna use an international company to supply cars to all traveling overseers.
i wonder if they'll give them mercedes now.. .
also he was complaining about how they only get $50 monthly.
Blondie- you are very well informed, I have watched your comments for some time now and they are right on.. the letter was read tonight at our meeting, that $4.00 per pub would be given to cover expenses - car, insurance, dental, etc.. back 3 years -- of course a show of hands, with no dissent...
I knew of the co cutback to come but this was a little discouraging to say the least.. with all these changes, it makes one wonder