I agree with SD7 -- if you don't want your life public, stay as private as you can -without it bothering your conscience - after all its mine, not theirs.. I know they take the scripture - to keep your eye on each other - not quite that -- but its like everyone has the right to either tell you what to do, or report you if you get out of line, or argue with you -- me I would not stand for any of that stuff...
Zid said its Rutherford's fault - I agree -- he did not want his life made public according to all the bad press he would have received..now today, we have letters and eye witness testimonies who saw him for what he really was.. its so sad the society wont come clean.. the two dvd's do not go into the early days of the org other than how they won legals fights.
Usually, the person who thinks these restrictive guidelines up is going through the same things in their lives and feel restrictions apply to everyone cause they cant trust themselves.. such was Rutherfords mind.. as a lawyer-he would try to outthink and outwit those "beneath" him...
how prideful he was!! It goes before a fall! Still waiting....